King and King by Linda de Haan

Book Review

A short overview of this book

King and King by Linda de Haan is a lovely story about same-sex relationships ie the fact that you may grow up and fall in love with someone of the same sex.

This humorous story is about a prince who is expected to get married. So his mother calls up all the princesses but none of them takes his fancy. Instead, he falls in love with one of the princesses’ brother. They get married and live happily ever after.

This is a fantastic book to introduce same-sex attraction, relationships and marriage.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 8 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Let’s dive into a great book called King and King by Linda de Haan and Stan Nelgen. Now, I have to admit, I struggle with pronouncing Scandinavian names, so forgive me if I stumble a bit. But trust me, this book is worth it!

So, what’s so special about King and King? Well, it’s all about breaking the mold when it comes to love and relationships. You see, not everyone falls for the traditional Prince or Princess Charming. Sometimes, little girls might fall in love with Princess Charming, and little boys might find their Mr. Wright instead of Mrs. Wright. Isn’t that cool?

In this story, we meet a King who’s perfectly content with his life. But his Queen, feeling a bit tired, decides it’s time for him to get married. Reluctantly, the King agrees. But here’s the twist: he’s never really been into princesses. Can you believe it? The Butler finds it quite amusing, and I can’t help but chuckle too.

So, the Queen starts calling up princesses from all over the world, and they start showing up one by one. But guess what? Some unexpected things happen. One princess falls for the Butler, and another princess catches the eye of someone else in the room. Love can be surprising, right?

Eventually, the King’s heart skips a beat when someone unexpected walks into the room. He realizes that this person is his true Prince Charming. How sweet is that? They get married, and everyone is happy. The Queen finally gets some alone time, the Butler finds love with Miss Greenland, and it’s just a joyous celebration.

I absolutely adore this book because it’s not only fun to read, but it also teaches an important lesson. It shows that love doesn’t always fit into the neat little boxes we see in movies. Kids might not even know their own preferences until they grow up, and that’s totally okay. We should embrace and accept everyone for who they are.

You never know, it might not be your child who’s same-sex attracted or gay, but it could be someone they know and care about. That’s why it’s crucial to teach our kids about tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion. We need to show them the importance of respecting everyone’s human rights.

Oh, and by the way, there’s another book in the series about having a child. I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet, but I’m sure it’s just as delightful as King and King.

So, there you have it! King and King is one of my all-time favorite books because it tackles these important topics in a light and casual way. It’s a great tool for normalizing diversity and teaching our children to be open-minded and kind. Cheers to that!

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