Before You Have Sex Discussion Cards by Lori Ann Reichel

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Before You Have Sex Discussion Cards by Lori Ann Reichel will help parents or educators to start discussions with their teens about sex.

Cards that parents or educators can use to start discussions with their teen about having sex ie things they really should think about before they become sexually active. The author suggests that you can use these cards in a number of different ways: discussing a few questions per conversation; allowing people to choose questions they are most interested in; and choosing cards randomly.

As a parent, these cards can give you ideas for topics to chat about and provide you with a conversation starter.

Ideal Age

Before You Have Sex Discussion Cards by Lori Ann Reichel is ideal for parents or educators to use with children 13 years of age and older.

Buy this book

✅ You can buy these cards directly from the Author.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, where we tackle all things related to puberty, sex, growing up, and relationships. Today, I want to talk about these awesome cards I found on Etsy. They’re designed to help you have open and honest conversations about sex with your teens.

These cards were created by Lori Ann Reichel, a sex educator who works with students and kids in schools. They come in two sets: a puberty set and a set called Before You Have Sex discussion cards. I ordered them all the way from Canada, and let me tell you, they’re pretty cool!

The Before You Have Sex cards are meant to kickstart and keep the conversation going between young people and adults about the decision to become sexually active. You can use them with young adults or teenagers. Imagine using them in workshops or even just casually pulling them out during a chat. They cover a wide range of topics, like how to know if you’re mature enough for sex, the importance of your partner’s parents’ or guardians’ reactions, and what your partner’s past relationships can reveal.

Now, as a parent, you might be wondering how to use these cards effectively. Well, it all depends on your relationship with your child. We all know that there comes a time when our kids don’t want to rely solely on us for information, and that’s totally normal and healthy. It’s part of their journey towards independence. Our job as parents is to make sure they know where to find reliable information. So, while it’s important to let them know they can talk to us, it’s also helpful to provide them with good, factual books on the subject. We don’t want them learning about sex solely from internet porn, right?

If you have a good rapport with your child and can talk openly about these things, these cards can be a great tool. You can pull one out and have an honest conversation, sharing your thoughts and hearing what they think. Of course, if you and your child aren’t on the best of terms, it might not be the right time to bring up these topics. But don’t worry, building that trust and finding opportunities to discuss these things will come with time.

For educators, these cards can be a fantastic activity to use in workshops. They provide thought-provoking questions and can spark meaningful discussions. So, whether you’re a parent or an educator, these cards are definitely worth considering as a tool to help navigate these important conversations.

I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any questions or need more ideas on starting conversations, feel free to reach out. Cheers!

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