Mummy Never Told Me by Babette Cole

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Mummy Never Told Me by Babette Cole is a fantastic book for talking about many of the little things that we are often reluctant to talk to our kids about – same-sex relationships, the difference between boys and girls, what the belly button is all about, where babies come from and more.

A really funny book that raises some questions that provide an opportunity to talk about many different topics!

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 10 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Mummy Never Told Me by Babette Cole from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there, I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue. I want to tell you about this awesome book called Mummy Never Told Me by Babette Cole. It’s not your typical sex education book, but it’s perfect for answering those tricky questions that parents sometimes struggle with. Let me give you a quick rundown of what’s inside.

The book starts off by addressing the fact that life is full of secrets. It tackles questions like, What’s my belly button for? This is a great opportunity to talk about birthing and all that jazz.

There are some silly things in there too, like when kids wonder why their mom is always busy on the phone and why they have to go to school when money was expelled from it. You can even use this as a chance to discuss sex education while still in school.

One page shows a little boy peeing in the bath, like a fountain. It’s a funny way to introduce the differences between boys and girls.

There’s also a page that talks about how it’s hard to tell grown-ups apart. It challenges the idea of using labels like boys or girls, which is something we might move away from in the future.

The book touches on various topics like nose jobs, what parents do when they lock the kids out of the bedroom (spoiler alert: it’s just sleep!), and what they do when they go out at night (definitely not swimming naked!). It even covers adoption and surrogacy, giving you the chance to discuss these topics in your own way.

One of my favorite pages is about how you can love someone and hate them at the same time. It opens up the conversation about love and relationships.

The book wraps up by saying that she’ll tell you when the time comes. It’s a lovely book to have on your shelf, as it encourages discussions about diversity, differences, and those topics that can sometimes make us uncomfortable. So, there are plenty of opportunities to dive deeper into these subjects while reading this book.

By the way, I’m a huge fan of this author, Babette Cole. It’s a shame she’s no longer with us, but her work lives on. Anyway, that’s life, right? Cheers!

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