Play & Learn PaperDoll Friends by Cath Hakanson

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Play & Learn PaperDoll Friends by Cath Hakanson are anatomically correct paperdolls that are perfect for starting shame-free conversations with kids about bodies.

These paperdolls were created to help parents with starting conversations with their kids whilst their hands are busy with cutting, colouring and playing. Feedback from parents has been that busy hands help to make conversations feel more natural and easier to start.

These dolls are culturally diverse, with dolls that look masculine or feminine or gender-neutral. Each individual doll is available with either a penis, vulva or no genitals (meaning it is inclusive for intersex kids who can then draw their own genitals onto the doll).

All costumes fit each doll, so your child can dress a boy doll (or a doll with a penis) in a dress (perfect for chatting about gender stereotypes). Which means you can then chat about the correct anatomical names of their private parts, the difference between male and female bodies, intersex, being transgender, gender diversity, body safety and more. You’ll also find costumes that include a wheelchair and walking aids.

And in case you feel stuck and are unsure about what to talk about or how to start the conversation, you’ll find a guide at the back with ideas and tips.

The penis shown in this book is intact ie it has a foreskin. This book does not display circumcised penises.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 3 to 9 years.

Buy this book

✅ Buy a copy of Play & Learn PaperDoll Friends by Cath Hakanson from Amazon. These are also available as printable PDF in the Sex Ed Shop.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, also known as Cath Hakanson, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is my YouTube channel where I review a bunch of books. And guess what? I’ve got a new book of my own to share with you!

So, let’s talk about these awesome anatomically correct paper dolls. They’re perfect for having important conversations with kids about bodies, gender stereotypes, and a whole lot more.

I recently decided to give the book a fresh new look. It used to have a cover like this, but I thought, why not rebrand the whole thing? So now we have Paper Dog Friends, Paper Doll Superheroes, and Paper Doll Families. The Superheroes edition is especially great for those parents who felt the previous version was a bit too girly. Boys can now join in the fun and say, Hey, I play with superheroes, not just dolls!

Let me show you what’s inside the Friends edition. It used to have a different cover, but now it looks like this. Ta-da! It’s a series of paper dolls, and guess what? They all have genitals! Unlike most paper dolls that have underwear or smoothed-out areas, these dolls show the real deal. But here’s the cool part: each child can draw their own genitals on the dolls. How awesome is that?

We’ve got a diverse range of dolls with different ethnicities and hairstyles. Your child can choose the doll they want to play with. And then comes the fun part – dressing them up! We’ve got gendered clothing, but also non-gendered options, so your child can express themselves however they want. From swimwear to superhero costumes, from wedding attire to culturally appropriate outfits, we’ve got it all covered. We even have a kid in a wheelchair and one on crutches to make it inclusive.

At the back of the book, you’ll find some notes to the reader. These notes will help you understand why it’s important to have these conversations and how to use the book effectively. We cover topics like the names of genitals, differences between body parts, sex (male, female, and intersex), gender (boy, girl, transgender), and even touch on non-binary language. We also dive into gender stereotypes, same-sex relationships, private parts, body safety, and nudity. It’s a comprehensive resource!

I’m really excited about this book, and I’ve been getting great feedback from parents. It’s a fantastic activity where you can sit down with your kids, color, cut, and glue together. It’s a joint activity that keeps everyone engaged and makes it easier to have those important conversations. For example, your child might pick a doll with a penis and dress it in a dress. That could be a great starting point for a conversation. And don’t worry, the notes at the back of the book will give you ideas on how to use the dolls to spark these discussions.

I hope this overview was helpful for you. Remember, there’s a new cover, but it’s the same awesome book on the inside. Cheers!

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