Ruby Luna’s Curious Journey by Tessa Venuti Sanderson

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Ruby Luna’s Curious Journey : A girls’ anatomy book covering puberty and periods by Tessa Venuti Sanderson is a lovely book that is perfect for starting comfortable conversations with girls about puberty, periods and vulvas.

What I really like about this book, is that the author addresses the most common questions kids ask about these parts of the body. You can tell that the author works with girls, and her experience shows as she addresses all the questions and fears they have about their changing body eg vaginal discharge, brown period blood and the different holes they see.

This book is very empowering and will help girls to embrace becoming a woman. I really like it as it takes a gentle and straight-forward approach that empowers girls to feel positive and embrace the changes that will come their way.

Sexual intercourse is NOT talked about in this book.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 5 to 10 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Ruby Luna’s Curious Journey by Tessa Venuti Sanderson from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Welcome to Sex Ed Rescue, my YouTube channel where I review books and share videos to help you navigate the world of sex education. I’m Cath Hak, and I’m a big fan of using books to make these sometimes uncomfortable topics a little easier to talk about with kids.

If you’re looking for resources to help you have those important conversations about sex with your kids, be sure to check out my website, Sex Ed Rescue. Now, let’s dive into a fantastic book called Ruby Luna’s Curious Journey by Tessa Venuti Sanderson. I absolutely love this book!

The illustrations and pages have such a great vibe. Tessa, who lives in the UK and runs workshops for parents and girls, has done an amazing job with this book. It’s all about celebrating the journey of becoming a woman and helping kids understand the changes happening to their bodies.

This book is perfect for younger children, around ages five to ten or eleven. It starts off by introducing Ruby and talking about how incredible the female body is. As kids go through puberty, their bodies change, and this book does a fantastic job of explaining those changes.

It covers everything from growing pubic hair (with a bit of humor!) to the different names for the area between their legs. Tessa encourages kids to explore and own their bodies, which is so important for their future relationships and sexual health.

The book also dives into the organs on the inside, like the uterus and ovaries. Tessa even relates it to animals like kangaroos, showing that these parts aren’t unique to humans. She explains everything in a way that’s easy for kids to understand and relate to.

When it comes to periods, Tessa plants the seeds early by talking about vaginal discharge and how it’s a normal part of the body’s cleaning process. She then delves into periods themselves, discussing different products and what to expect. And don’t worry, she keeps the topic of sex out of this book, which can be a relief for younger kids who might find it scary.

Overall, I think this book is fantastic. It’s nurturing, caring, and sensitive, and it’s a great tool to start conversations about puberty and periods with your kids. Plus, there’s even a male version of the book available!

I hope this review was helpful for you. I really enjoyed this book, and I think you and your kids will too. Cheers!

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