Boundaries Conversation Deck: What Would You Do? (Card Deck) by Faith G. Harper PhD

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Boundaries Conversation Deck: What Would You Do? (Card Deck) by Faith G. Harper PhD is a pack of cards that can be used to start consent conversations with teens.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 15 to 18 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! So, I came across this really cool pack of cards that I think you’ll find super helpful when it comes to talking to teens about consent, bodies, and boundaries. They’re called the Boundaries, Conversation Deck, What Would You Do by Faith G. Harper.

Now, let me tell you a bit about these cards. They’re designed to prompt reflection and conversation about values, needs, consent, and relationships. They’ve got 52 cards in total, and they cover all sorts of scenarios and questions. It’s a great way to get teens thinking about their own boundaries and how to navigate different situations.

The deck is divided into two types of cards: reflection cards and situation cards. The reflection cards are meant to help you become more aware of your thought patterns and how they’ve been shaped by your past. They’re perfect for personal reflection or even discussing with a friend or therapist. They ask questions like, What is your personal definition of consent? or What do you notice going on in your body when someone violates your boundaries? They really get you thinking!

The situation cards, on the other hand, are all about planning strategies to handle different scenarios effectively. They’re great for group discussions, like in a talking circle. You can draw a card and discuss what you would do in that situation. For example, What would you do if someone calls you out publicly? or What do you do if your partner wants you to apologize for something you don’t think you did wrong? These cards really help teens think through their responses and come up with strategies.

Now, here’s the best part. You can use these cards in so many different ways! You could have a fun family activity where you all sit down with some snacks and pull cards to discuss. It’s a great way to spend a rainy day together. Or, you could use them at the dinner table and pull a card each night to talk about after dinner. The possibilities are endless!

I really believe that these cards are valuable tools for parents to start important conversations with their tweens and teens. It’s not just about sexual consent, but about consent in all aspects of life. These cards will help your kids learn how to stand up for themselves, be aware of their boundaries, and respond when those boundaries are crossed.

So, if you’re looking for a way to have meaningful conversations with your teens, I highly recommend checking out the Boundaries, Conversation Deck. It’s a fun and engaging way to tackle important topics. Cheers!

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