It Feels Good to be Yourself : A Book About Gender Identity by Theresa Thorn

Book Review

A short overview of this book

It Feels Good to be Yourself : A Book About Gender Identity by Theresa Thorn is a lovely book that simplifies gender identity i.e. some people are boys, some people are girls and some people are both, neither, or somewhere in between.

It is perfect for parents who are struggling to explain gender diversity or are unsure about how to start the conversation.

It is a lovely book that will help with kids with understanding gender diversity.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 5 to 7 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Welcome to Sex Ed Rescue, where I share book reviews and help you find resources for those sometimes awkward conversations about sex education. I’m Cath Hak, and today I want to talk about a fantastic book called It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorn and illustrated by Noah Grigny. Sorry if I mispronounced their names!

This little gem of a book tackles the topic of gender identity in a simple and beautiful way. I know that as a parent, it can be challenging to explain concepts like being transgender, gender diverse, or nonbinary to your kids. Heck, even I sometimes get confused with the terminology! But fear not, because this book makes it all so much easier.

First off, let’s meet Ruthie. She’s a transgender girl. When she was born, everyone thought she was a boy, but as she grew older, she bravely shared with everyone that she’s actually a girl. Girl is Ruthie’s gender identity. And then we have her brother, Xavier. He’s a cisgender boy, which means that when he was born, everyone correctly identified him as a boy. Boy is his gender identity.

But here’s the thing, kids totally get it! They understand that there are many different ways to be a boy or a girl, too many to fit in a single book. And not everyone feels like they fit into those categories. That’s where the word nonbinary comes in. It’s a helpful term to describe kids who don’t feel exactly like a boy or a girl. Take Ruthie’s friend Alex, for example. Alex is both a boy and a girl. When Alex was born, everyone thought they were a girl, but they identify as both genders. That’s their gender identity.

The book goes on to introduce another friend who doesn’t identify as a boy or a girl. It’s all about embracing the idea that gender isn’t just a binary thing, like boy or girl. It’s about understanding and accepting that some people don’t fit neatly into those categories. And that’s totally okay!

The book also explains that when you’re born, people make assumptions about your gender based on your genitals. If you have a penis, they assume you’re a boy. If you have a vulva, they assume you’re a girl. But guess what? Sometimes those assumptions aren’t accurate. Ruthie, for example, told her parents that she was a girl all along, and they were totally cool with it. It’s all about embracing who you truly are and understanding that things don’t always match our expectations.

Books like this are super important because they help normalize different gender identities for your child. If your child is unsure about their own gender or if it doesn’t align with what people expected, this book can provide reassurance and understanding. Plus, it’s great for teaching other kids about acceptance and empathy. If your child encounters a nonbinary or transgender classmate, they’ll be more accepting and less likely to bully or discriminate. And that’s a win for everyone!

I absolutely love this book and will be recommending it to parents left and right. It’s simple, beautifully illustrated, and covers a range of situations. So go ahead and grab a copy for your family. It’s a wonderful tool for fostering understanding and embracing the diversity of gender identities. Cheers!

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