Levi Sprocket: What’s in my Pocket by Debi Slinger

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Levi Sprocket: What’s in my Pocket by Debi Slinger prepares boys for puberty by telling the story of what puberty is like for a boy as he goes through it.

Most books about puberty are nonfiction (full of facts) instead of fiction which tells a story. So it is very unusual to find a book that talks about puberty as a story but also teaches. This story does that, with the story of a boy as he deals with being smelly, wet dreams and a broken voice. The author also discusses how to manage the many changes that will happen, and lets them know that they aren’t alone as other boys (and girls too) are also going through the same thing.

This is a good book to look at if your tween finds fact-filled books a bit of a bore.

Sexual intercourse is NOT talked about in this book.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 11 to 13 years.

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Buy a copy of Levi Sprocket: What’s in my Pocket by Debi Slinger from Amazon​.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and today I want to share with you a fantastic book for boys that tackles the topic of puberty in a really cool way.

The book is called Levi’s Sprocket: What’s In My Pocket by Debi Slinger. I was thrilled when I stumbled upon this gem because it’s not often that you find a book that tells the story of puberty through a captivating narrative. Most books out there just throw facts at you like hair, breasts, erections, and how babies are made. But this book? It weaves all of that into a story, and trust me, storytelling is a much easier way to remember things.

Now, let’s dive into what this book covers. It starts off by addressing something that might make parents a bit uncomfortable: wet dreams. But don’t worry, it also covers a whole range of other changes that boys go through during puberty. It follows the journey of a boy who realizes that his body is getting dirty and smelly, and he needs to start showering. His voice changes, he sprouts hair in unexpected places, and he experiences erections.

But here’s the best part: the book lets boys know that they’re not alone in this journey. It shows that their mates are going through the same things, and even girls experience puberty too. It doesn’t go into detail about periods, but it’s important for boys to understand that girls have their own changes too. The book normalizes everything, which is so important.

Now, I know some books on puberty can be a drag to read, filled with dry facts that make you want to snooze. But not this one! It’s a chapter book with lots of information and stories, but it’s a breeze to read. You’ll get drawn into the story and want to know what happens next. It’s a great way to make the topic feel more relatable and less intimidating.

As for the recommended age, I’d say it’s perfect for kids around 10 to 12 years old, as long as they’re good readers. If your child isn’t quite there yet, don’t worry! There are other books available for younger boys that cover puberty in a simpler way.

Overall, I think Levi’s Sprocket: What’s In My Pocket is a wonderful book that beautifully addresses the topic of puberty. It’s a must-read for boys who want to understand and navigate this stage of life.

I hope this review helps you out! Cheers!

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