Professor Astro Cat’s Human Body Odyssey by Dominic Walliman

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Professor Astro Cat’s Human Body Odyssey by Dominic Walliman is a book about the human body (that actually includes the reproductive system). Surprisingly enough, most children’s books about the human body leave this part out.

I like this book, as it provides a factual overview of the body and some great artwork. It would be perfect for kids who enjoy their facts.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 7 to 10 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Welcome to Sex Ed Rescue with Cath Hak. I’m here to help parents navigate the world of sex education and make it easier for you to talk to your kids about love, sex, relationships, puberty, consent, porn, and everything in between. If you’re looking for a better way to approach these conversations, check out my website, Abortion. It’s a great resource for parents like you.

Now, let’s talk about a book that some parents recommended to me. It’s called Professor Astro Cat’s Human Body Odyssey by Dr. Dominic Walliman and Ben Newman, the illustrator. This book is quite big, and I was lucky enough to find it at my local library. I can’t remember exactly when it was published, but let’s dive in!

The book takes us on a journey through the human body, starting with the basics of being alive and what we’re made of. It covers everything from nerves to cells, all the way down to the skeleton, muscles, and skin. Remember learning about these things in school? I sure do!

We explore different body parts like the mouth, nose, eyes, and brain. The book even delves into the nervous system and, eventually, reproduction. It’s funny how reproduction always seems to be tucked away at the back of these books. Maybe it’s to avoid any controversy, who knows?

In the reproduction section, the book explains both male and female reproductive systems, showing the inside parts like the egg and sperm. It talks about how the sperm fertilizes the egg, leading to cell division and eventually pregnancy. And yes, it even covers the baby’s journey into the world. Growing up is also discussed, from being a baby to becoming a teenager and eventually an adult. That’s what life is all about!

This book is a great resource for kids, especially those between the ages of six and nine, who are super curious about how their bodies work. It’s not solely focused on reproduction, but it does include that important topic. Trust me, finding books that cover reproduction can be a challenge, but this one does a good job.

I hope you found this review helpful. It’s a fun and visually appealing book that both kids and parents can enjoy together. So go ahead and check it out! Cheers!

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