She’s My Dad by Sarah Savage

Book Review

A short overview of this book

She’s My Dad by Sarah Savage is a lovely book that helps children understand what it means when dad transitions their gender from a he to a she (transgender).

This is what the Publisher has to say…

‘My Dad’s name is Haley. She used to be a he but now she is a she! Last year she did this thing called transition. She grew her hair long, painted her nails in bright colours and started wearing different clothes.’

When Mini’s cousin accidentally misgenders her dad Haley, Mini explains why misgendering is hurtful and why we need to treat trans people with respect. Mini speaks with confidence about transitioning and gender identity, and helps to educate and empower others with trans relatives or friends.

This brightly illustrated book for children aged 3 – 7 will aid discussion with children about a loved one transitioning or about trans people in general. Featuring a child with a dad who has transitioned, this book passes on an important message about acceptance and respect, and covers pronouns, dysphoria, family diversity and misgendering.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 8 to 12 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of She’s My Dad by Sarah Savage from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, your friendly Sex Ed Rescue guide. Today, I want to talk about a fantastic book called She’s My Dad by Sarah Savage. This illustrated children’s book is a real gem when it comes to explaining transgender people and the process of transitioning to kids.

You see, we live in a world where information is everywhere, especially on the internet. And sometimes, our little ones stumble upon stories about transgender individuals transitioning. That’s where this book comes in handy. It helps children understand and be more inclusive, teaching them not to discriminate.

But it’s not just for those situations. She’s My Dad is also perfect if your child knows someone in their life who is transitioning. No child should ever feel left out, and this book does a beautiful job of making them feel included and valued.

Let me tell you a bit about the story. It starts with a child sharing their morning routine with their dad, who they have breakfast with every day. They’re getting ready to go to a party and decide to paint their nails together. That’s when the child casually mentions, Oh, didn’t I tell you? Dad is a she now. And so begins the explanation of their dad’s transition.

The book goes on to explain how their dad, Haley, used to be a he but decided to transition. It touches on growing long hair, painting nails in bright colors, and wearing different clothes. At first, the child found it a bit scary, but their dad reassured them that no matter what, they will always be their dad and love them very much. How heartwarming is that?

The story also addresses the change in pronouns. Dad is now referred to as she and her, instead of he and him. The child shares that sometimes they still call her dad, and other times they call her Haley. It’s all about finding what feels right for them.

The book also mentions that dad had some surgery to align their body with their true gender. But here’s the important part: even though dad’s appearance has changed, they are still the same person on the inside. It’s a beautiful message of acceptance and understanding.

There’s a lovely moment where the child and their dad are rushing to a party and meet some family members. One of their cousins accidentally uses the wrong pronouns for dad, calling her a he. The child kindly corrects them and explains that it makes them and their dad feel sad when people use the wrong pronouns. It’s a powerful moment that shows the importance of using the right pronouns and respecting others.

This book is a valuable resource for parents who want to have important conversations with their children. It’s filled with helpful questions and a glossary to explain any unfamiliar terms. Trust me, you’ll love it as much as I do!

So, whether you have a transgender person in your life or not, She’s My Dad is definitely a book worth grabbing. It’s a wonderful tool to teach children about love, acceptance, and the beauty of being inclusive.

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