The Fantastic Body by Howard Bennett

Book Review

A short overview of this book

The Fantastic Body by Howard Bennett is a book about the human body that actually includes the reproductive system (most human body books exclude it).

This is a great book to have if you have a child who is super curious about bodies and how they work and grow. The fact that it includes the reproductive system is a bonus, as most of these style books exclude it. There are lots of lovely images, throughout the book, and the author is a paediatrician, so the content is very age-appropriate and easy to understand.

This one includes diagrams of the male and female reproductive organs. It also talks about the hormones and what happens with puberty.

Sexual intercourse is talked about but it is a very vague description and is talked about with a focus on conception ie how a baby starts biologically.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 8 to 12 years.

Buy this book

✅ Buy a copy of The Fantastic Body by Howard Bennett from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, where we dive into all things related to sex education. Today, I want to talk about a book that I recently came across, and it’s a real gem for older kids who are curious about the human body. You know, the interesting thing is, a lot of books out there don’t actually include the reproductive system. Can you believe it?

But fear not, my friends, because this book is different. It actually covers the reproductive system, although it’s tucked away at the very back. I don’t know why they always do that, but hey, at least it’s there! I haven’t found a book yet that starts off with it, but this one does have a section on hormones, glands, and the changes that happen during puberty. It’s really informative.

Now, let’s talk about the illustrations in this book. They are absolutely lovely. I mean, seriously, they’ve done a fantastic job. And guess what? We’ve got some images of the male and female systems, too. It’s great to see that kind of representation.

This book is a visual feast, with over 200 pages packed with lots and lots of pictures. So if you have a kid who wants to learn about the human body, including the reproductive system, this is definitely a book worth having. My kids and I have been having a blast borrowing books like these from the library. When a new book arrives, my kids immediately flip through the pages to find the reproductive systems. It’s become a fun little game for us.

But you know what? Even if a book doesn’t include the reproductive system, it’s not useless. In fact, it can spark some really important conversations. I’ve had great discussions with my kids about why some books leave it out. We talk about publishers wanting to make money, some parents thinking kids don’t need to know about it, and even the awkwardness and giggles that can come with these topics. My daughter is going through puberty at school, and she finds it fascinating. It’s a shame that not all kids have parents who talk to them about this stuff.

All in all, this book is pretty impressive. I’m considering getting it for my nieces and nephews this Christmas. They’ll love it! So, if you’re on the lookout for a book that covers the human body, including the reproductive system, give this one a shot. I hope this review helps you out. Cheers!

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