The Feelings Book by American Girl

Book Review

A short overview of this book

The Feelings Book by American Girl is a book that will help tween girls to understand and manage their feelings and emotions as they go through puberty.

This American Girl book, that was written to go with the other ‘Care and Keeping of You’ books, focuses on emotions and feelings. It gives girls an insight into the fact that their emotions and feelings will change during puberty, plus provides suggestions on how to manage these changes.

An important book that will help with supporting your daughter as she grows up. 


Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 10 to 12 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there, it’s Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue and today I want to chat with you about a really cool book called The Feelings Book: The Care and Keeping of Your Emotions by American Girl. Now, I’ve got an older version here that I borrowed from the local library because, let’s face it, buying all the books I want to review can get pretty pricey. This one’s from 2002, but there are newer versions available too.

So, what’s this book all about? Let me bring it closer so you can see. Oops, sorry for looking at the screen instead of the camera, I just want to make sure you can see what I’m talking about. Anyway, this book dives into the world of emotions and helps you understand how you feel and how to figure it all out. It also talks about our bodies and how they play a role in our emotions. It’s pretty cool to learn about how our bodies work, right?

The book also explores different ways to express your feelings and how to talk about them. It even touches on the differences you might feel as you grow up. Now, let me tell you, these American Girl books are amazing. They’re totally safe and there’s nothing scary or inappropriate in them. No rude words or adult themes, just good, wholesome content.

So, why would you want a book like this? Well, as girls go through puberty, their emotions and feelings start to change. And guess what? It happens even before you start seeing the physical changes like breast development or body hair. We parents can notice the emotional changes happening a couple of years before the physical stuff kicks in. It can be a lot to handle, but books like this are here to help. They give kids permission to feel different and explain why those feelings might be happening.

This book is packed with ideas and strategies to help you navigate through all of this. Trust me, it’s a great little resource. And guess what? There are tons of American Girl books on all sorts of topics. I’ve got a long list of about 20 more that I want to review, so stay tuned for those.

Alright, I hope this review was helpful. Take care and cheers!

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