We Need to Talk About Vaginas by Dr. Allison K. Rodgers

Book Review

A short overview of this book

We Need to Talk About Vaginas by Dr. Allison K. Rodgers is an inclusive body-positive book for educating children about their vulva and body.

Sexual intercourse is discussed in this book.

This is what the Publisher has to say…

Do you know the difference between a vagina and a vulva? If you’re not sure, We Need to Talk About Vaginas by TikToker Dr. Allison K. Rodgers could be for you!

There are lots of reasons why we don’t talk about vaginas. It can be embarrassing to discuss your vagina with your parents, we can feel confused about the changes that are happening to our bodies, and nobody else talks about vaginas―so why should you?

But KNOWLEDGE IS POWER people! The more we know about our vaginas and vulvas the better equipped we will be to deal with our bodies in the future. In this beautifully illustrated book Dr. Allison K. Rodgers simply explains everything from why we have periods to sex and consent in the age of social media. You’ll learn the correct names for everything, realize pubic hair is TOTALLY NORMAL, and discover the magical self-cleaning properties of vaginas.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 10 to 14 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, your friendly Sex Ed Rescue expert. Today, I want to talk to you about an awesome book I came across for tweens called We Need to Talk About Vaginas by Dr. Allison K. Rogers. Now, I know it might sound surprising, but this is probably the only book of its kind that I know of!

As a women’s health nurse, I was thrilled to see that this book covers a wide range of topics, from vulvas to periods, puberty, and sex. It’s super comprehensive! And let me tell you, it’s not your typical conservative book. In fact, I initially thought it was European because it had a unique vibe to it. But nope, it’s actually American!

One of the things I love about this book is that it addresses important aspects like smell, pubic hair, and diversity. It’s all about making sure tweens feel normal and comfortable in their own bodies. You see, sometimes kids see diagrams that don’t look like their own bodies, and they start questioning if something is wrong with them. But this book sets the record straight by explaining that there’s a whole spectrum of normal, and everyone is different.

And let me tell you, this book covers it all! From labia majora to labia minora, hymens, periods, and even what to do when things get itchy down there. It’s got you covered. Plus, it tackles important topics like masturbation, consent, internet safety, and even gender identity. Dr. Rogers really knows her stuff and understands the questions and concerns that tweens and early teens have.

I was also relieved to see that the book addresses sensitive topics like pornography in a small section. It’s important for kids to have accurate information and understand the potential risks involved. And of course, it wouldn’t be complete without discussing hygiene, vaginal discharge, and how to ask an adult for pads. This book truly leaves no stone unturned.

If I had a daughter who was on the verge of puberty, I would definitely grab a copy of this book for her. Knowledge is power, and the more our kids know about their bodies, the better equipped they’ll be to navigate the changes that come with growing up.

By the way, wouldn’t it be great if the publisher also released a book about penises? I mean, I got so many questions about penises on my YouTube channel for tweens and teens. But hey, let’s focus on the positive here. We Need to Talk About Vaginas is a fantastic resource that empowers kids and gives them the information they need.

So, if you’re looking for a book that will help your child feel confident and informed, I highly recommend grabbing a copy of this gem. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

I hope you found this review helpful. Cheers!

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