What are Your Words A Book About Pronouns by Katherine Locke

Book Review

A short overview of this book

What are Your Words A Book About Pronouns by Katherine Locke is a lovely book that simplifies pronouns for young children.

This book uses a simple story of a young child going on a walk, meeting people and learning their pronouns. Pronouns are simply described as a way to describe yourself. The main message of this book is that it’s okay to not know your words right away when you meet people.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 8 years.

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Transcription of the video

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, your friendly Sex Educator from Sex Ed Rescue. I’m all about helping parents find better ways to talk to their kids about sex. Today, I want to share an awesome book with you called What Are Your Words by Katherine Locke and illustrated by Anne Passchier.

Now, this book is a little different from others out there because it’s all about pronouns. You know, those words we use to refer to ourselves and others. Pronouns used to be pretty straightforward – you see someone who looks like me, with long hair and a dress, and you’d call me she. Simple, right? But nowadays, things are more open and diverse, and that’s a beautiful thing!

Gender diversity has always existed, but in the past, it wasn’t talked about or acknowledged. Thankfully, times have changed, and more people are comfortable expressing their true gender. As parents, it can be a bit confusing to navigate this new landscape and raise inclusive, accepting children. But fear not, because teaching them about pronouns and gender diversity is a fantastic way to pave the path to inclusivity.

This book tells the story of a child who’s exploring their pronouns and figuring out what feels right for them each day. But it’s not just about pronouns – it’s about embracing all the words that describe who we are. You see, we’re more than just pronouns. We’re happy, creative, funny, thoughtful, athletic, and so much more. This book shows that it’s okay to use different pronouns or even multiple pronouns, because our words are unique to us.

As the child in the book goes for a barbecue at the park with their friends, they meet new people and ask, What are your words? It’s a beautiful way to start conversations about pronouns and how they help us express ourselves. The book also emphasizes that pronouns don’t always match how someone looks, and that’s totally okay too.

What I love about this book is how it normalizes gender diversity. The illustrations showcase a diverse range of people, each with their own pronouns and words. While there aren’t any discussion prompts at the back, you can get creative! Try covering up the pronouns and guessing what they might be, or talk about how pronouns can be different from appearances. It’s a great tool to spark conversations about gender and pronouns with your children.

So there you have it, a wonderful resource to help you have those important conversations about gender and identity with your kids. I hope you find it helpful and enjoy exploring the world of pronouns together. Cheers!

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