What’s So Yummy?: All About Eating Well and Feeling Good by Robie H. Harris

Book Review

A short overview of this book

What’s So Yummy?: All About Eating Well and Feeling Good by Robie H. Harris is a book for children that talks about looking after our bodies which can also mean not spending all day on a  device.

A book that talks about how we need to look after our bodies, by eating properly and getting enough exercise ie by not spending all your time on a computer or device. This book could be used as a first book to start talking to kids about the appropriate use of devices and computers ie it isn’t healthy to spend too much time on them.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 9 years.

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Buy a copy of What’s So Yummy?: All About Eating Well and Feeling Good by Robie H. Harris from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and I recently came across this awesome book that I want to tell you about. It’s not your typical sex education book, but it’s definitely worth checking out.

So, this book is part of a series by Robie H Harris, and it covers a range of topics like where babies come from, pregnancy, body parts, diversity, and families. This particular book focuses on good nutrition and exercise, which I found really surprising and refreshing.

I initially didn’t think it was a sex education book, but when I stumbled upon it at the library, I decided to give it a go. My son’s diet has been pretty bad lately, so I thought it might be helpful. And you know what? It turned out to be even better than I expected!

The book is designed for early years, so it’s filled with beautiful pictures and has a lot of repetition. My nine-year-old son still enjoys it because there’s so much going on in the illustrations. He loves reading the speech bubbles too, which adds an extra layer of fun.

The book emphasizes the importance of good nutrition and exercise. It talks about going for bike rides, growing veggies, and getting healthy food from the market. It also touches on the fact that people have different dietary preferences, like some eating meat and others not.

What I really appreciate about this book is that it celebrates diversity. It teaches kids that people from all over the world eat different types of food, and that’s totally okay. It even includes a breastfeeding baby, which is great for normalizing breastfeeding.

The book also addresses the need for balance. It mentions that while it’s important to get up and move, it’s also crucial to rest our bodies. It cautions against spending too much time watching TV or playing on devices, as it’s not healthy for our bodies.

That’s why I think this book can be a great tool for discussing cyber safety with kids. It’s not explicitly about that topic, but it opens up the conversation about taking care of ourselves, being healthy, and staying fit. I’m even adding it to my cyber safety section because it’s a fantastic way to introduce the topic.

If you’re a fan of Robie Harris like my kids are, I highly recommend adding this book to your collection. It’s engaging, informative, and covers important aspects of health and well-being.

I hope you find this review helpful! Cheers!

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