100+ Questions Kids Have About Having a Baby by Interrelate

Book Review

A short overview of this book

100+ Questions Kids Have About Having a Baby by Interrelate is a book that provides answers to the 100 most common questions that older kids ask about pregnancy, conception, birth and looking after a baby. The information is simple, age-appropriate and up-to-date. A great book to have on the family bookshelf.

This book DOES talk about sexual intercourse.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 10 to 12 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! So, I wanted to tell you about this awesome book called 100+ Questions Kids Have About Having A Baby by Interrelate, an agency in Australia. They’re all about teaching kids about puberty, sexuality, and all that stuff. This book is specifically designed for children aged between ten and twelve, and it’s from 2015.

Inside the book, you’ll find real questions that kids have asked, and they’re written on these little bits of paper. Sorry about the glare, by the way. You can either read this book with your kids or let them explore it on their own. It covers topics like becoming part of the family, the body parts that make you a boy or a girl, how babies are made, pregnancy, birth, and taking care of a baby. It even answers questions like Where do babies come from? and Are all the kids from a big family really theirs?

The book also talks about why we’re all so different, with our different hair and eye shapes. It’s really cool to see how unique we all are! Oh, and it even explains why parents sleep in the same bed. It’s because they love each other and want to be close, even if they snore. Cute, right?

The book covers a lot of interesting stuff, like circumcision, uncircumcision, sperm, eggs, and whether more than one sperm can come out at a time. Kids have so many questions, don’t they? There are also some helpful diagrams that label the body parts, and there’s a section about boys and girls that I think is just adorable.

The book dives into why we sometimes think the private parts between our legs are rude. It’s not just about facts, but also about the feelings and values behind it all. It talks about ovulation and how babies are made, and even answers questions like Can kissing make babies? and How long does it take for a sperm to reach an egg?

There’s a whole section on different ways to have a baby, and it’s really informative. It covers twins and how a baby grows during pregnancy. It even talks about birthing, including both natural birth and Caesarean. And for those curious minds, it explains why some parents breastfeed and other ways to feed a baby. It even addresses how two men can’t have a baby, but it explains how they can make a baby through other means.

This book is a fantastic resource for older kids. It might not be the best fit for younger ones, as they might get bored quickly. But if your child is curious and wants to learn more, this book is perfect. And as a parent, it’s a great resource for you too. You can read it and get some valuable information to have meaningful conversations with your kids.

I hope this review helps! I absolutely love these books and find them to be an incredible source of information. They’re engaging, informative, and a great tool for parents. Cheers!

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