There’s No Place Like Home for Sex Education by Mary Gossart

Book Review

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There’s No Place Like Home for sex education by Mary Gossart is a fantastic book for parents that clearly outlines what sex education in the home can look like.

This book provides a friendly and practical guide for parents on talking about sexuality with confidence, comfort and humour. It is a fantastic little book that is filled with lots of great stories and examples of how to do this sex education thing!

Ideal Age

This is a book for parents

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Hey there! Let’s dive into this awesome book called Okay, There’s No Place Like Home for Sex Education, a Guidebook for Parents by Mary Gossart. It’s published by Planned Parenthood in America, and they’re known for their valuable sex education resources. This book was initially released as an ebook but later updated and published as a hard copy in 2015.

So, what’s inside? Well, it’s a comprehensive guide for parents on sex education. It covers different age groups, starting from preschoolers all the way up to high schoolers. They use those American school labels like early elementary, middle school, and high school. It’s really helpful because it provides information that kids are interested in and need to know.

The book also addresses some basic sexual behaviors, like how young kids might be curious about looking at each other’s private parts. Don’t worry, though! It gives you practical tips on how to handle those situations. The information is presented in a visually appealing way, with lots of spacing and easy-to-read text. They even include a few simple diagrams and images to make things clearer.

Now, as a parent myself, I usually don’t buy books that talk about sex education for grown-ups because they tend to be too general. But this book is different. It’s a great starting point for parents who want a tangible resource they can hold in their hands. It provides a nice overview of what sex education for parents is all about. While it won’t give you the exact words to say in every situation (because let’s face it, no book can do that), it does offer some guidance.

So, if you’re looking for a book that can help you navigate the world of sex education with your kids, this is definitely a good choice. It’s informative, easy to read, and gives you a solid foundation to start from. I hope this review helps you out. Cheers!

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