Can I have babies too? by Sanderijn van der doef, Clare Bennett and Arris Lueks

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Can I have babies too? by Sanderijn van der doef, Clare Bennett and Arris Lueks is a fantastic resource to get parents started with sex education. This book is written by a psychologist, a nurse and a teacher, with all three having lots of experience in sexuality education.

What I like about this book is that it provides parents with the tools they need to feel confident and informed about how to talk about sexual education at all stages.

This is a fantastic resource that will provide parents with a thorough overview of what sex education is all about.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for parents of children aged 0 to 11 years.

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✅ Buy a copy Can I have babies too? by Sanderijn van der doef, Clare Bennett and Arris Lueks from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is where I help parents find a better way to talk to their kids about sex. Today, I want to share a fantastic sex education book for parents with you.

Now, I usually don’t review sex education books because I believe that you can’t learn everything you need to know from a book alone. Most of the books out there just provide basic information that might not be enough for many parents.

But this book I came across is different. It’s called Can I Have Babies Too? Sexuality and Relationship Education for Children from Infancy up to the Age of Eleven. It’s written by three authors who have different professional backgrounds – a psychologist, a nurse, and a teacher. I love that they bring different perspectives to the table.

This book follows a European approach to sex education, which I find really interesting. In Europe, they’ve been teaching sex education for decades and have had great success in getting parents involved and helping kids make informed choices. So, they must be doing something right!

What I really like about this book is that it covers a wide range of topics. It starts by explaining why having these conversations with your kids is important and how to get comfortable with the topic. It also encourages you to think about your own values and how they shape your approach to sex education.

The book dives into healthy sexual development and provides practical advice on how to support your child’s journey. It even talks about setting boundaries and includes activities and questions to help you engage with your child.

The best part is that it’s written in a simple and practical way. It’s not overwhelming or confusing. And it aligns perfectly with the philosophy and approach I promote at Sex Ed Rescue.

I’ve seen research that shows kids in countries with comprehensive sex education programs are delaying their first sexual experiences and engaging in safer practices. They have a better understanding of consent and are less likely to experience sexual assault. So, this book is definitely onto something!

I highly recommend getting a copy of this book if you’re looking for a guide to navigate sex education conversations with your kids. It’s a great resource that complements what you’ll learn from Sex Ed Rescue.

I hope you found this recommendation helpful. I’m definitely getting my own copy, and I think you should too. Cheers!

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