A Sexual Abuse Prevention Course for Parents

Course Review

A short overview of this book

The Parents’ Information Course from Safe4Kids will give you the tools, skills and confidence to keep your child safe from sexual abuse.

This course is a fantastic way to get started with these important conversations. And Holly-anne simplifies these conversations into practical straightforward strategies that are quick and easy to implement.

This online course will equip you to:

  • Identify the benefits of child abuse prevention education
  • Communicate to your child the importance of Consent and recognising ‘Safe Touches’ and ‘Unsafe Touches’
  • Identify the importance of the need for children to ‘Risk on Purpose.’
  • Explain to your children the names and meaning of their different feelings
  • Help your child to recognise their body’s ‘Early Warning Signs.’
  • Explain to your child the difference between ‘Telling and Dobbing.’
  • Engage in more active listening with your children
  • Enable your child to set up a ‘Safety Team’ of five trusted adults
  • Describe the services provided by the Kids Help Line
  • Explain to your child the role of the Police is to help keep us safe
  • Communicate to your children the importance of persisting in ‘Telling’ if they feel unsafe
  • Instruct your children on the correct anatomical names for their Private Body Parts
  • Engage your children in a discussion about the impact of pornography
  • Explain to your children that they can say ‘NO’ to anyone if they feel unsafe
  • Communicate to your child the importance of asking themselves the ‘Three Safety Questions’
  • Explain to your child the difference between ‘Safe’ and ‘Unsafe’ secrets
  • Appropriately respond to a child’s disclosure of abuse

Ideal Age

Ideal for parents of children aged 3 to 14 years.

Buy this course

If you decide to go ahead and sign up for this course through my link, Iโ€™ll gift you $20 โ€˜Cath Cashโ€™ to be spent on anything with me in the next 12 months! ๐Ÿ’ธ

Just forward your receipt to me here and Iโ€™ll get it straight to you!

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and I’m super excited to introduce you to Holly Ann’s amazing course on preventing sexual abuse for parents. Holly Ann is a rockstar educator in this field, working with kids all over Australia and even worldwide. She’s the go-to person I used to turn to when I had questions about keeping my own kids safe. And let me tell you, she really knows her stuff!

So, Holly Ann noticed that after running her courses, many parents were saying, I wish my partner could have been there too! or I just want to watch it from home. That’s when she had a brilliant idea – she turned her course into an online program! Now parents can access this valuable information anytime, anywhere. How cool is that?

Let me give you a quick tour. Holly Ann has broken down the course into short sessions, making it easy to digest. And guess what? She even provides a handy guidebook that you can print out and use as a resource with your children. It’s like having an extra tool in your parenting arsenal!

What I really appreciate about Holly Ann is that she acknowledges how awkward and sensitive this topic can be. Let’s face it, talking to our kids about sexual abuse is uncomfortable for us as parents. But Holly Ann gets it, and she addresses this right from the start. It’s so refreshing to have someone who understands our concerns.

The course covers important themes that are based on up-to-date knowledge. Holly Ann constantly adapts her teachings to what’s happening in the world, especially with the rise of internet and porn exposure. She’s even added a section on talking to kids about pornography, which is so relevant in today’s digital age. Her practical skills and real-life experiences make her course incredibly valuable for parents like us.

Some of the themes she covers include teaching kids about their right to feel safe all the time, how to have open conversations with your child if they disclose something to you, and even how to talk about the correct anatomical names of private body parts. She also dives into cyber awareness, safety questions, and why using terms like good and safe or bad and unsafe is important.

Oh, and here’s a bonus! Holly Ann includes live recordings of workshops she’s done with real audiences. It’s great to see her in action, engaging with parents just like us.

This course is a fantastic resource that will give you the insight and tools you need to have important conversations with your children and keep them safe. Whether you can attend a workshop in person or prefer the convenience of an online course, Holly Ann’s got you covered.

So, let’s dive in and empower ourselves as parents!

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