A Smart Girl’s Guide to Drama, Rumors & Secrets by American Girl

Book Review

A short overview of this book

A Smart Girl’s Guide to Drama, Rumors & Secrets by American Girl is a book for tween girls that will prepare them for the dramas that can happen in their friendships and at school.

This is one of those books that every tween girl should have, as it talks about all the dramas that girls can create. So it covers cyberbullying, jealousy, gossip and more, with helpful strategies and insight into why it happens.

An essential book for every tween girl!

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 8 to 12 years.

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Buy a copy of A Smart Girl’s Guide to Drama, Rumors & Secrets by American Girl from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and I want to chat with you about this awesome book called A Smart Girl’s Guide To Drama, Rumours And Secrets: Staying True To Yourself in Changing Times by American Girl. It came out in 2015, but they do update their books, so it’s still relevant. I actually borrowed this book from the library, and it looks like it’s been quite popular. That’s always a good sign!

I really wish I had found this book when my daughter was around eight or nine because that’s when all the cattiness and drama started at school. Nowadays, it seems like kids are dealing with these things at an even younger age. My daughter is twelve now, and I’m definitely going to give her this book to read. I think she’ll find some helpful ideas and be able to relate to what’s happening around her. She just started high school, which is like middle school in the US.

Let me tell you, American Girl books are always beautifully laid out, like a magazine. They’re easy to read and don’t overwhelm you with too much information. They give you just what you need to know. This book covers a lot of important topics, like understanding your feelings, dealing with drama, and recognizing different types of friends. It even offers tips on how to handle anger and what to do if you’re being bullied or witnessing someone else being bullied. It’s great that they also address the challenges of using devices and how to avoid getting caught up in gossip.

Now, I have to mention that American Girl books are what I would call very vanilla and safe. They don’t dive into topics like pornography or suicide. But that’s okay because this book focuses on the basics and provides practical advice for everyday situations.

One thing I love about this book is that it includes little scenarios that readers can relate to. It’s based on real experiences, and many girls write in with their own stories. So, it’s really relatable and resonates with the readers.

I think this book is fantastic, and I wish I could buy more of their books, but let’s be honest, books can get expensive! However, this one is definitely worth adding to your collection, especially if you have kids going through puberty. Oh, and I’d love to see a version for boys too. It might be different for them, but it would be valuable for them to understand what’s happening with the girls around them.

The best part is that these books are super affordable, and you can probably find them at your local library, just like I did. So, go check it out! It’s a great resource for tweens or girls navigating the challenges of school and growing up.

I hope this review helps you out. Take care and happy reading!

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