All About Diversity by Felicity Brooks

Book Review

A short overview of this book

All About Diversity by Felicity Brooks is a lovely book that helps young children learn to respond in a kind and equal way to everyone, regardless of shape, size, age, physical and mental ability, gender, ethnicity, beliefs, language, culture, background, and so on. With topics ranging from clothes, music and food to homes, festivals and families, there is plenty for children to talk about as they find out about what makes people different and what makes them unique.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 6 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Let’s dive into this awesome transcript and summarize it for you. The speaker starts off by talking about a book that their kids loved when they were little. It’s filled with pictures, just like the Richard Scary books from their own childhood. The speaker emphasizes the importance of diversity and inclusivity for children, so they grow up to be accepting and open-minded individuals. They apologize if their values don’t align with everyone, but they strongly believe in a world that embraces everyone.

The book being discussed is all about teaching children to be inclusive and accepting of differences. It covers topics like diversity, different body types, and even different brains (which is pretty cool!). The speaker loves that the book includes neurodiversity, something they haven’t seen in many resources before. Communication is also touched upon, highlighting that it’s not just about talking, but also considering those who may be deaf or have other communication needs.

The book doesn’t shy away from discussing different types of families, which the speaker absolutely loves. It shows that families can be made up of different combinations of parents, including same-sex parents and foster parents. It also acknowledges that families live in different types of houses. Food and celebrations are also covered, giving children a glimpse into the diverse world we live in.

The book wraps up with a section on Show and Tell, where children can share and talk about things that are special to them and their families. It encourages children to embrace and appreciate their own uniqueness. There’s even a section at the back with some language tips and notes for adults.

Overall, the speaker thinks this book is fantastic. They love how it focuses on one topic in detail, making children feel included and valued. Books like this are incredibly important in helping children grow up with a sense of acceptance and understanding. Hope that summary was helpful! Cheers!

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