Be Your Own Man by Jessica Sanders

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Be Your Own Man by Jessica Sanders is one of the few books written for boys about what it means to be a boy, and how important it is to be yourself. It also encourages boys to not be constrained by gender stereotypes. An important message that all young boys need to hear!

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Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 7 to 9 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Be Your Own Man by Jessica Sanders from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Welcome to Sex Ed Rescue, I’m Cath Hak, your friendly Sex Educator here to help you out. On my YouTube channel and website, I review books that can assist parents in having those important conversations about love, sex, relationships, and everything related to sex education.

Today, I want to talk about a book that tackles body image and self-esteem specifically for boys. I often hear parents asking if there are any books out there for boys on this topic, as there seems to be a lot more options for girls. Well, I’ve found one that I think you’ll love! It’s called Be Your Own Man: You Can Be Anything, You Can Be Everything by Jessica Sanders, an Australian author.

This book starts off by reminding boys that they are unique and amazing just the way they are. It emphasizes that being tough, sporty, or funny isn’t a requirement. The most important thing is to be yourself. The book explores different types of boys and their interests, whether it’s using their voice to stand up for others or enjoying singing, dancing, and playing music. It’s all about embracing individual strengths and abilities.

Friendship is also a key topic in the book. It explains what makes a good friend and how friends can help you become a better person while staying true to yourself. The book also emphasizes the importance of listening to and loving your body. It reminds boys that there’s no such thing as a perfect body and encourages them to take care of themselves.

One aspect I really appreciate about this book is that it acknowledges the importance of listening to your body’s signals. If something doesn’t feel right, like that sick feeling in your tummy, it’s essential to trust your instincts and find a safe place. The book also dives into emotions and feelings, highlighting the importance of expressing them rather than suppressing them. It provides helpful suggestions for dealing with sadness, anger, or worry, and reminds boys that it’s okay to ask for help when needed.

The book encourages boys to explore their potential and be whoever they feel comfortable being. It’s all about embracing individuality and being true to oneself. At the end of the book, you’ll find some suggested resources for further exploration.

I must say, it’s quite rare to find a book that is inclusive when it comes to gender, so I’m thrilled that this one acknowledges that you don’t need to have a penis to be a boy. It’s refreshing to see such inclusivity.

If you’re looking for a book that can help with body image and self-esteem conversations with your boys, I highly recommend checking out Be Your Own Man. You might even find it at your local library, which is always a great place to start. As a parent, I know how tempting it is to buy a ton of books, but the library is a fantastic resource too.

I hope this review was helpful! Cheers!

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