Body Smart: Right From the Start by Kerri Isham

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Body Smart Right From the Start by Kerri Isham will guide parents through the foundations of body safety and keeping kids safe from sexual abuse.

This book provides activities and discussions that parents can use with their child to begin conversations about how to keep safe from sexual abuse. It covers a wide range of topics including boundaries, bodies, public/private, touch, secrets, perseverance, trusted adults, body signals and many more.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 3 to 7 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Let me give you a quick summary of this awesome book I came across called Body Smart Right From the Start by Kerri Isham. It’s a self-published gem by a Canadian sex educator, and it’s all about teaching kids how to stay safe from sexual abuse. I have to say, I’m pretty impressed with it and wish I had found it when my own kids were younger.

So, Kerri has put together a ton of valuable information on how to talk to our kids about protecting themselves. The book covers topics like body parts, bathing, going to the bathroom, safe and unsafe touches, private spaces, secrets, strangers, listening to their bodies, trusted adults, and even phone numbers to call for help. It’s packed with activities and resources for parents to reinforce the content too.

The book starts off by discussing bodies, and Kerri has included some really cool activities that I wouldn’t have thought of myself. It’s definitely geared towards younger kids, like around seven or five years old. It even talks about gender in a really inclusive way, which I think is great.

There’s a section on different rules for touching, and it encourages kids to think about what kind of touch they like or don’t like. It also covers public and private places, and even touches on the topic of kids touching their own private parts, explaining that it’s okay if they don’t feel comfortable doing so.

The book also tackles the concepts of secrets and surprises, explaining how they’re different. And it addresses the topic of strangers in a way that’s age-appropriate and not scary for children.

There’s a whole section on body signals and listening to their inner voices, as well as identifying trusted adults they can turn to for help. And at the back of the book, there are some really fun activities to further engage kids in the learning process.

Overall, I think this book is a fantastic tool for parents. You can use it alongside other books on safe touch or keeping secrets, and go through the activities together with your child. It’s definitely worth taking a look at yourself first, so you’re familiar with the topics and can have meaningful conversations with your little ones. Kerri even includes some extra notes and rules at the back to help you out.

I hope this review helps! Body Smart Right From the Start is a great resource for parents to have when talking to their kids about staying safe from sexual abuse, especially during the younger years. Cheers!

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