Sex Ed: An Inclusive Teenage Guide to Sex and Relationships

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Sex Ed: An Inclusive Teenage Guide to Sex and Relationships is an inclusive and non-judgemental educational book for teenagers.

This is what the Publisher has to say about it…

A positive, practical and empowering guide for teenagers, tackling sex and relationships in an inclusive and non-judgemental way – created by the winners of the Pamela Sheridan Award for Innovation and Good Practice in RSE.

Written and illustrated by the award-winning team at School of Sexuality Education, who deliver expert workshops for teenagers, here is advice, reliable information and reassurance on sex and relationships… Covering key topics including consent and healthy relationships, sexuality and different kinds of sex, puberty and periods, contraception, porn and sexting, and much more besides!

This book is not only full of advice for teenagers but a brilliant tool for their parents, carers and teachers, supporting all of the new RSE curriculum content (in the wake of recent updates) as well as answering FAQs and busting some popular myths along the way.

Publishing after major updates to the national Relationships and Sex Education curriculum, as well as calls for widespread, high-quality sex education in the wake of the #MeToo movement and Everyone’s Invited.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 14 to 18 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is the place where I help parents find an easier way to talk to their kids about sex education. Today, I want to review a fantastic book called Sex Ed: An Inclusive Teenage Guide to Sex and Relationships.

What’s great about this book is that it’s not written by just one author, but by a group of experts from the School of Sexuality Education in the UK. These professionals, including doctors, nurses, and educators, work directly with teenagers, so you know the information in this book is exactly what teens are curious about.

The book is beautifully written and has a great layout. It even includes diagrams to help explain how genitals develop. And here’s something really cool: it talks about intersex bodies too! When it comes to illustrations, this book doesn’t just focus on one type of body. It shows a variety, which is awesome.

Now, let me show you the index. What sets this book apart is that it starts off with consent, which is so important. It covers topics like gender, sexuality, identity, healthy relationships, body image, and even online stuff. And at the end, there are specific resources for those in the UK.

I was thrilled to find a copy of this book at my local library without even having to request it. It’s a simple, inclusive sex ed book that provides great information and shares real stories. Plus, it uses inclusive language, like saying if you’ve got a vagina instead of assuming all girls have one. I absolutely love that!

So, if you’re looking for an inclusive book that covers important topics in a relatable way, I highly recommend checking out Sex Ed: An Inclusive Teenage Guide to Sex and Relationships. I hope you find this review helpful. Cheers!

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