Dating Smarts: What Every Teen Needs to Know to Date, Relate or Wait! by Amy Lang

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Dating Smarts: What Every Teen Needs to Know to Date, Relate or Wait! by Amy Lang is a book for teens that will help them to make sense of dating and whether they should relate or wait. A book for teens that will help them to make sense of love, sex and relationships ie dating. It covers things like:

  • When and how you will know the time is right for you!
  •  Other people’s first-time experiences
  • All about dating – from how to ask someone out to how to kindly say “no” if someone asks you out to how to safely escape from a terrible date
  • All the elements of healthy relationships so you know what to expect
  • The signs that show your relationship is unhealthy and how to leave
  • Your values about sex, dating and relationships
  • What a healthy vagina and penis should look like
  • Practical, basic information about sexually transmitted diseases and birth control
  • What gay, straight, bisexual and transgender really mean
  • Where to get help if you need it plus other great resources to keep you on top of the dating and relationship game

A great book for parents to read as it will get you thinking about the types of conversations you could be having with your teen. Plus a great book for a teen who is starting to think about dating.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 14 to 18 years.

Buy this book

Buy a copy of  Dating Smarts: What Every Teen Needs to Know to Date, Relate or Wait! by Amy Lang from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Alright, let’s talk about this awesome book called Dating Smarts: What Every Teen Needs to Know to Date, Relate, or Wait by Amy Lang. Now, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy, but since I don’t have a Kindle yet, I printed out the online version. Trust me, it’s packed with valuable information!

Amy Lang is a seasoned sex educator who knows her stuff when it comes to talking to teens about sexuality. In this book, she covers everything teenagers need to know about relationships, values, and yes, even sex. But it’s not just about the act itself, it’s about understanding what sex means to you and making choices that align with your own values.

Amy dives into the fascinating topic of how our brains change during puberty and adolescence. She also explores the different types of love, whether it’s romantic, familial, or friendship. And hey, she even tackles the subject of same-sex attraction, because it’s important to know that everyone’s experiences are valid.

Now, let’s get to the nitty-gritty of dating. Amy offers some great advice on how to navigate those first dates, including some fun ideas for fake first dates. She also covers how to handle situations where someone asks you out and you’re not interested, or vice versa. And of course, she talks about dating rules and how to slow things down or speed them up, depending on what feels right for you.

But what if you find yourself on a bad date or in an uncomfortable situation? Amy’s got your back with tips on how to get out of those sticky situations. She also delves into what a healthy relationship looks like and discusses important topics like dating violence and sexual assault.

Now, let’s talk about the big question: Are you ready for sex? Amy breaks it down, discussing both the physical and emotional aspects. And she doesn’t shy away from setting boundaries and establishing rules that make you feel comfortable.

This book covers a ton of ground, and it even has a helpful section for parents. The pages are filled with easy-to-read chapters, kind of like a novel, but with loads of valuable information. When my own kids reach 14, I’ll definitely be getting them a hard copy to have on their bookshelf. It’s important to remember that as teens, they might not always want to hear about these topics from us parents, so having reliable information from someone who understands their perspective is crucial.

I hope this review helps you see why Dating Smarts is such a valuable resource. Cheers!

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