Every Body by Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Every Body by Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg is a radically inclusive and informative collection of stories, essays, interviews, and art about sex, relationships, and body confidence.

This is what the Publisher has to say…

Have you ever had a question about sex—whether out of curiosity, desire, or the sneaking suspicion you’re, somehow, different? Every Body will help you feel less alone. It’s a huge collection of anonymous stories, essays, artwork, and expert tell-alls on myriad subjects, all rolled into one. Really, it’s the conversations most of us are too scared to start.

Thanks to talented duo Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg, we don’t have to. The stories, essays, and interviews they’ve compiled touch on a wide array of topics, including first times, open relationships, body acceptance, accidental pregnancies, sex toys, pleasure, fear and trauma, sexual discovery, and more.

Framed by dozens of artists’ illustrations, deeply personal interviews, and expert essays that address stigmas and clichés, this book is an informative, welcoming, and inclusive user’s guide to your body, no matter its shape, size, or preferences.

A dynamic group of voices and styles makes Every Body an essential resource and helpful companion as you explore your own body (and more!).

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 16 to 18 years.

Buy this book

✅ Buy a copy of Every Body by Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue.

At Sex Ed Rescue, I’m all about helping parents find an easier way to talk to their kids about the birds and the bees. Today, I want to share a book with you that I think you’ll find really helpful.

It’s called Every Body, and it’s an honest and open look at sex from every angle. The authors, Julia Rothman and Shane Feinberg, have put together a fantastic collection of anonymous stories, essays, artwork, and expert insights on a wide range of topics.

This book is like having conversations that many of us have never had. Julia and Shane actually went out and interviewed people, sitting down on park benches and really digging into these important subjects. They’ve shared these stories in the book, along with some amazing artwork and illustrations.

Now, I have to say, this book is more suited for older teens who are ready to dive deeper into the world of love, sex, and relationships. It covers a lot of ground, including how people learn about sex, the role of religion, masturbation, and even interviews with pioneers like Betty Dodson, who used to do masturbation workshops back in the day.

The book also explores first times, living with HIV, group sex and sex parties, abortions, consent, and sexual assault. It’s a comprehensive look at sexuality and relationships that goes beyond just the facts.

I actually gave this book to my almost 17-year-old daughter, and at first, she rolled her eyes and wondered why she should bother. But guess what? She came back to me and said, Mom, there’s actually some really good information in here. The stories are amazing, and they’re a great way to learn.

And she’s right! The stories in this book are so relevant and relatable to many people. It’s a wonderful resource that I highly recommend grabbing a copy of. I’ve got my own copy, and I have no regrets because I know my teens are going to benefit from reading it.

So, cheers to Every Body! It’s a brilliant book that will open up important conversations and help us all understand love, sex, and relationships a little bit better.

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