Everybody, every body by Emmalinda MacLean

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Everybody, every body by Emmalinda MacLean is a fantastic book about consent for school-aged children.

This book is unique in that it is also suitable for older children. It explores the importance of respecting other people’s bodies, and introduces the concept of consent in a child-appropriate way, encouraging both children and adults to ask before touching and to respect the boundaries of others.

This book is unique in that it is also suitable for older children. Many of the consent books are either written for teenagers or very young children. There isn’t much for that in-between age.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 5 to 12 years.

Buy this book

✅ Buy a copy of Everybody, every body by Emmalinda MacLean from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is where I help parents find a better way to talk to their kids about love, sex, and relationships. I also love reviewing books because I truly believe they can help parents have better conversations. So, today I want to talk about a book called Everybody by Emmalinda McLean and illustrated by Audrey Herbert.

Now, this book is all about bodies and consent. It’s marketed as a book for tweens, and let me tell you, it covers a lot of ground. You know how some consent books only focus on one small aspect? Well, this one is different. It covers all those little parts of the conversation, making it a comprehensive guide to consent.

I really appreciate that this book goes beyond just saying no to hugs. It tackles a wide range of topics. And you know what? There aren’t many books out there for older kids, so this one fills a gap. It’s perfect for kids aged six to ten or eleven, that in-between stage where they’re not quite tweens yet.

Now, I wish I could show you more of the book, but it’s a big one and a bit tricky to hold up. The artwork is inclusive and the illustrations are simple but effective. It covers everything from how our bodies change to how babies can give consent too. It’s really comprehensive, and I think it’s a great resource for parents.

So, if you’re looking for a book that covers a lot of different aspects of consent, this is the one for you. It’s informative, engaging, and perfect for those in-between ages. I hope you find it helpful! If you have any questions, just let me know. Cheers!

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