GIRL: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You by Karen Rayne

Book Review

A short overview of this book

GIRL: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You by Karen Rayne is an inclusive growing-up guide for teen girls with information on gender and identity, dating and romance, relationships, and sex.

A book for older teens and tells them everything they need to know about love, sex, romance and being themself. It gives them practical information that is uncensored, factual, and unbiased, and aims to help readers develop into responsible and informed adults and prepare them for healthy romantic relationships. This book also includes self-reflection questions, media resources lists, illustrations, and diary entries as additional supplemental materials. This book is unique in that it is accessible and nonjudgmental to all who self-identify as a girl.

It is diversity-friendly and there is a lot of information packed into it. The sort of book that every teen girl needs to have by her bedside.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 15 to 18 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of GIRL: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You by Karen Rayne from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and I want to tell you about an awesome book called Girl Love, Sex, Romance and Being You by Karen Rayne. It’s published by Imagination Press, which is from the American Psychological Association. Yeah, I know, that’s a mouthful!

This book is perfect for older teens who want to learn all about love, sex, and relationships. The best part is, it’s super inclusive and diverse. So whether your teen is heterosexual and mainstream or identifies as transgender or same-sex attracted, this book has got them covered.

Now, let me tell you, this book is jam-packed with information. It’s a big one, with around 350 pages and small print. But trust me, if the print was any bigger, it would be a whopping 700 pages! Karen has really crammed in everything your teen needs to know about growing up.

What’s great about this book is that it’s totally up to date. You know, with all the stuff you see on social media and in the news about non-consensual situations, like girls being taken advantage of at parties. Yeah, it’s a serious issue, and this book addresses it along with many other relevant topics.

Karen had the help of eight diverse individuals, mostly teenage girls and young adults, in writing this book. Now, I know there’s a lot of debate about gender-neutral language, but Karen does refer to them as girls. Hey, I just use language that parents are comfortable with, you know?

The book covers everything from the biology of being a girl to dating and relationships. It’s got great info on decision-making, communication, and what a healthy relationship looks like. Plus, there’s a section on sex for the first time and a bunch of resources and links to other helpful books and websites.

What makes this book special is that it’s specifically targeted towards girls and provides them with detailed information to make informed decisions about their own readiness for sex. It’s not one of those books that just skims the surface. Karen really puts her heart and soul into it.

I liked it so much that I’m actually going to buy my own copy. I want my teen girls to read it someday. You know, there are only so many books a teenager can read, but this is definitely one that I think is worth having. When it comes to topics like sex and sexuality, it’s important to provide accurate information because otherwise, they might turn to the internet or rely on their friends, and we all know that’s not always reliable.

So, in my opinion, every older teenage girl should have this book on her bookshelf or by her bedside table. It’s a great resource that will satisfy their curiosity and give them the knowledge they need.

I hope this review helps! Cheers!

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