Hang-ups, Hook-ups, and Holding Out by Melissa Holmes and Trish Hutchison (Girlology)

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Hang-ups, Hook-ups, and Holding Out by Melissa Holmes and Trish Hutchison (Girlology) is a book for teenage girls about dating (the good and bad).

A fantastic book for teen girls that tells the story of a group of friends as they grow up and start to think about love, sex and relationships. It is part fiction and part non-fiction. So the author tells a story about a girl and her first date, and then backs it up with information or facts that are relevant.

I can’t wait for the updated version of this book. This version was published in 2007 but despite the age, it is still very relevant and good. It gives lots of factual info, and has some great stories that keep you interested! So it is good for teens that find fact-filled books a bit of a bore.


Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 14 to 16 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Hang-ups, Hook-ups, and Holding Out by Melissa Holmes and Trish Hutchison (Girlology) from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there, I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue! My mission is to help parents feel more comfortable with sex education. One of the things I do a lot is review books because, let’s face it, searching for puberty books online can be a bit overwhelming. I’ve spent countless hours scrolling through Amazon and Book Depository, so I thought I’d save you the trouble.

Today, I want to talk about a book called Hang-ups, Hook-ups, and Holding Out by Melissa Holmes and Trish Hutchison (Girlology). Now, this book has been around since 2007, so it’s been on the shelves for quite some time. I reached out to the authors to find out if they’re releasing an updated version, but unfortunately, I haven’t heard back from them yet. Bummer, right? But hey, that’s life!

Let’s dive into the book itself. It’s a big, thick, and definitely geared towards teens. I’d recommend it for 14-year-olds and older, or maybe even a mature 14-year-old. It’s packed with loads of information, but it’s not all serious stuff. There are some fun diagrams and illustrations too. I’m flipping through the pages right now, imagining it’s you looking inside. You’ll find all sorts of interesting topics covered.

The book tells the stories of three or four girls, and one of them shares her experience of going on a date with a boy. Another girl urges her to spill the details, but she hesitates. Eventually, she opens up about how the boy asked her to perform oral sex on him. She had never done it before, but he made her feel special. The book then provides evidence-based research and guidance on what to do in such situations.

It even touches on pregnancy scares, which is impressive considering it’s been ten years since it was published. And guess what? It also talks about sexting! So, it covers a wide range of important topics. I really like this book, but I’m eagerly waiting for the new version to come out. As soon as it hits the shelves, I’ll be ordering a copy for myself.

In the meantime, if you can’t wait for the updated version, I highly recommend checking out your local library. That’s where I found this gem. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to have been borrowed much, which is a shame because libraries are fantastic for accessing books without having to buy them right away. I’ve made the mistake of buying some duds in the past, so now I prefer to borrow before I buy. If a book really impresses me, then I’ll happily spend my money on it.

So, if you’re looking for a book that covers the tricky stuff and provides valuable information for your daughter or son, I think this one is a great choice. It’s written more from a girl’s perspective, but boys can definitely benefit from reading it too. It talks about topics like pap smears and more. Give it a go and see if it resonates with you and your family.

I hope this review helps you in your search for the right resources. Cheers!

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