Happy in our Skin by Fran Manushkin

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Happy in our Skin by Fran Manushkin is a book about diversity for young children that embraces the fact that we all have skin but are unique in some way.

A lovely book for talking to kids about diversity and the fact that everyone is different, and that’s okay. You could also use this book to talk about the differences in skin colour (or race).

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 6 years.

Buy this book

Buy a copy of Happy in our Skin by Fran Manushkin from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, where I talk about all things related to love, sex, relationships, and growing up. Today, I want to share a fantastic book with you called Happy In Our Skin by Fran Manushkin, illustrated by Lauren Tabayer.

I stumbled upon this gem while reading a blog post about books that promote diversity. Let me tell you, it’s a lovely little book that came out in 2015. Happy In Our Skin celebrates the fact that we all start our lives in our own unique way. It features babies of different colors, representing a few ethnic groups.

The book explains why we have skin and how it grows with us as we grow. It even touches on the topic of getting hurt and healing, like when you scrape your knee and a scab forms. Sometimes our skin has freckles, birthmarks, or dimples, making us all look wonderfully different.

You know what else? Some people can get a tan from being out in the sun too much, while others get goosebumps when they’re cold. Skin covers us from head to toe, and it’s always there for us.

But here’s the best part: nobody is exactly like you. Your fingerprints are unique, just like you are. The book emphasizes that our world is a wonderful place because we’re all so different. And guess what? We’re all happy, regardless of the color of our skin.

Now, this book isn’t specifically about race, racism, or discrimination, but it’s a great tool to start a conversation with your child. After reading it together, you can ask questions like, What color is your skin? or What color skin do you see at school? It’s important for kids to understand and appreciate diversity from a young age. This way, when they go through puberty and start feeling different from their friends, they’ll already know that being unique is totally okay.

Research actually shows that teaching kids about diversity early on helps foster positive body image and boosts their self-esteem. So, it’s crucial to lay these foundations during their early years. By accepting and celebrating differences, we’re helping them fit into society and navigate life with confidence.

I hope this review helps you see the value of Happy In Our Skin. It’s a book that can make a real difference in your child’s understanding of themselves and others. Cheers!

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