Have You Started Yet? by Ruth Thomson

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Have You Started Yet? by Ruth Thomson is a book for girls that is all about periods and is a useful book for preparing girls for managing their periods.

A book for girls that will answer all their questions about getting their first period and how to manage them. A great resource for parents who are looking for a book that will help them with starting conversations about what to expect as well a show to manage periods on a day to day basis.

Sexual intercourse is NOT talked about in this book.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 10 to 14+ years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Have You Started Yet? by Ruth Thomson from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hack from Sex Ed Rescue, and I want to chat with you about this awesome book called Periods for Girls: So Have You Started Yet? Getting the Facts Straight by Ruth Thompson with Chloe Thompson. This book has been around for a whopping 37 years, which means it’s been helping moms and daughters navigate this topic for a long time.

Now, I know it was last updated in 2010, so it’s about seven years old. But here’s the thing: puberty itself hasn’t changed much. The changes a child’s body goes through now are pretty similar to what we experienced back then. The only difference is that kids today are starting puberty at a younger age, and they’re growing up in a world that’s more sexualized than ever before. That’s why it’s crucial for kids to have age-appropriate information to balance out all the sexualized stuff they see online.

So, what’s this book all about? Well, it covers everything about periods, starting from the basics. It talks about why girls have periods, what it’s like to have one, and even gives some tips on what to use during that time of the month. Oh, and by the way, the book uses the term towels for pads, but we don’t really use that term in Australia.

The book is just over 100 pages long, and it’s filled with both writing and drawings. It’s designed to be easy to understand, and it even includes stories from other kids to make it relatable. It starts off by explaining what’s happening when you get your period, and then it goes into detail about the changes your body goes through during puberty. It covers everything from hormones to growing taller, getting breasts, and even the hair down there. It also briefly touches on how boys go through changes too.

Now, let’s talk about the important stuff. Why do girls have periods? The book dives into that topic and provides all the information your daughter needs to know. It’s important for them to understand how pregnancy happens because once they start having periods, they need to be aware of the possibility. The book does touch on sexual intercourse, but it doesn’t go into a lot of detail. Some other books might have a whole chapter on sexy feelings and desire, but this one keeps it brief.

When it comes to choosing a book, it’s all about finding the right fit for your daughter. Consider her reading level and make sure the book is at a literacy level she can handle. This particular book might be a bit too advanced for a twelve-year-old, but it could be perfect for a ten and a half or eleven-year-old. It’s all about finding the right balance of information that suits your daughter’s needs.

So, if you’re looking for a book to help you have those important conversations about periods with your daughter, Periods for Girls is definitely a great option. It’s informative, easy to understand, and covers all the essential topics without overwhelming her.

I hope this review helps you make an informed decision. Cheers!

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