I Can Play It Safe by Alison Feigh

Book Review

A short overview of this book

I Can Play It Safe by Alison Feigh is a book that covers many of the different rules for keeping kids safe from sexual abuse. It also talks about stranger danger, being aware of the environment around you, and making sure a trusted adult knows where you are.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 8 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of I Can Play It Safe by Alison Feigh from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is my YouTube channel where I review books that are super important for sex education. I also have a website where I help parents find a better way to talk to their kids about sex.

Today, I want to talk about a book called So I Can Play It Safe by Alison Feigh. It’s all about keeping children safe, and it looks pretty cool. It’s a board book, so let’s take a quick flip through and check out the lovely pictures.

Like most books, it has a section for parents at the start or end. This one talks about personal safety rules and what adults need to know and do. It starts off by saying that when kids are playing and having fun, they like to explore the world. But it also reminds them that if they’re going out, like pretending to be an airplane, they need to let a parent or caregiver know where they’re going and how to get back.

The book also talks about how kids sometimes like to pretend they’re a tiger, warning people to stay away and stay out of trouble. It’s important for kids to trust their instincts and if they get that uh oh feeling inside, they should hurry away and talk to the person who’s taking care of them. The book even gives an example of a child telling their parent that something is happening, like the curtains blowing towards a candle.

There’s also a part about being a detective and paying attention to the people around you. It explains the difference between secrets and surprises, and how important it is to have conversations about these things to prevent sexual abuse.

The book uses a sailboat analogy to talk about taking care of your body, just like a captain takes care of their boat. It emphasizes the importance of knowing about private parts and that if anyone touches them in a way that makes a child feel bad or confused, they should talk to a trusted adult. It’s really reassuring to know that it’s not the child’s fault if someone tricks or confuses them with harmful touch.

The book encourages kids to be their own superheroes and reminds them that they can always ask for help from an adult if they need it. It also emphasizes that everyone is different and that’s totally okay. We all deserve to be treated kindly. And if kids ever need help, there are people around them who they can turn to.

So, this little book is a great tool for starting conversations with kids about staying safe. It’s all about making sure they don’t become a statistic. I hope this review helps! Take care, Cath.

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