I have a little secret by Kimberley McEwan

Book Review

A short overview of this book

I have a little secret by Kimberley McEwan is a book that will help parents to protect their child from sexual abuse. 

Books like this are an invaluable resource for parents, as it helps you to start conversations with your child about a topic that many parents struggle with – sexual abuse. And when you can talk about it through a picture book, it can help to take away your fear. 

This book is based around a secret (of sexual abuse) and can be used to start conversations about personal body boundaries, appropriate touch, and identifying safe adults in their lives.

It is a lovely little book, easy to read, sensitively written and with beautiful illustrations that help to soften the subject matter!

You’ll also find a guide for parents at the back of the book, about protective education and what to do if your child discloses abuse.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 5 to 8 years.

Buy this book

✅ Buy a copy of  I have a little secret by Kimberley McEwan from Amazon​.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there, it’s Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue! Welcome to my YouTube channel and website, where I chat about books, love, sex, relationships, and all that good stuff. Today, I want to talk about a self-published book called I Have A Little Secret by Kimberly McEwan, with illustrations by Rachel Greg. This book tackles the tough topic of sexual abuse, but does it in a gentle and compassionate way.

Let’s dive in! The story follows a little girl and her teddy bear as they navigate the world of secrets. But this isn’t your typical secret, like a surprise party or a hidden gift. This secret feels strange and makes her tummy fill with butterflies. It’s important for kids to recognize these inner warning signals that something isn’t right.

The book beautifully addresses the issue of sexual abuse and emphasizes the importance of talking to someone about it. It’s just one of many books out there that can help start these important conversations. The illustrations are lovely and really bring the story to life.

Now, I know some parents might worry about introducing topics like touch and genitals to their kids. But here’s the thing: when we talk about these things in a comfortable and natural way, kids don’t get scared. They need to know about their bodies and what’s appropriate. This book provides a great opportunity to discuss private places and give more information if needed. It gives parents the language to have these conversations with younger children.

The book goes on to talk about the process of grooming and how abusers manipulate children into keeping secrets. It’s an important aspect to address because it helps kids understand why they might be asked to keep something a secret. By teaching children that secrets about their bodies should never be kept, we empower them to speak up and protect themselves.

The book also highlights the importance of telling a safe adult if something doesn’t feel right. It reassures kids that surprises are safe to keep, but secrets about their bodies must be shared to keep them safe from harm. It’s a powerful message that encourages open communication.

I appreciate that the book acknowledges that even with all the protective measures in place, sexual abuse can still happen. It’s a sad reality, but by teaching our children about boundaries and giving them the tools to speak up, we can increase their chances of staying safe.

The story ends on a positive note, with the child finding the courage to tell her parents and the abuser being stopped. It’s a reminder that speaking up can lead to a happier and safer life.

Overall, I really like this book. It’s visually appealing, tells the story effectively, and focuses on the importance of open communication and keeping kids safe. It’s a great resource for starting conversations about secrets and personal boundaries.

Remember, we can’t guarantee 100% protection for our children, but by equipping them with knowledge and fostering open dialogue, we can empower them to navigate the world with confidence. So, let’s keep those conversations going and ensure our kids feel safe and supported.


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