I’m a Boy: My Changing Body by Shelley Metten

Book Review

A short overview of this book

I’m a Boy: My Changing Body by Shelley Metten from Anatomy for Kids is a book for boys that provides them with factual information about puberty and their reproductive parts.

This is a series of 5 books, of which this is the second book. This book focuses on the early signs of puberty and the reproductive organs and genitals. The information is age-appropriate, the illustrations are amazing, and overall the presentation is very sensitive and not at all confronting.

The first book, I’m a Boy: Special Me is for 5-7 year olds, whilst the third book, I’m a Boy: Hormones is for 11-13 year olds, the fourth book, I’m a Boy, How Are Girls Different is for kids aged 13 and older and the fifth book, I’m a Boy: Sexual Maturity if for kids aged 15+.

Both intact (with a foreskin) and circumcised penises are shown in this book.

Sexual intercourse is NOT talked about in this book.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 8 to 10 years.

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Buy a copy of I’m a Boy: My Changing Body by Shelley Metten from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and I want to chat with you about a fantastic book for boys who are starting to go through puberty or are reaching that age where they’re ready to learn about the changes that come with it. It’s called I’m A Boy My Changing Body by Shelley Metten, who also has a website called Anatomy for Kids. She’s amazing and even runs workshops for parents on puberty and the changes that happen.

So, this book is part of a series of three books. The first two cover topics like where babies come from (with a focus on sperm) and the different parts of the male reproductive system. I’m A Boy My Changing Body is the first of two books that specifically describe the changes a young boy experiences during puberty. It’s perfect for boys who have started noticing the early signs of puberty, like changes in their genitals and the growth of hair in certain places.

Inside the book, you’ll find pictures on every page, along with lots of easy-to-read words. It’s great for boys who are starting to read and explore more. The book begins by explaining what puberty is all about, transitioning from being a child to becoming an adult, and even touches on fertility. Dr. Metten talks about the pelvic cavity and then dives into the different parts of the male reproductive system.

She covers everything from the penis to sperm, with lovely diagrams and simple, beautiful illustrations. The words are easy to understand, and she even highlights definitions in italics, making them stand out. Dr. Metten discusses the changes that happen during puberty, like the gradual growth of testicles and the production of sperm. She normalizes these changes and provides extra information to ease any worries or concerns.

The book also delves into how sperm is made, with hormones kicking in and the body getting ready for adulthood. Dr. Metten explains how sperm eventually comes out through the urethral opening and talks about the anatomy involved. It’s perfect for curious kids who want to know all the inner workings of their bodies.

She also touches on the topic of hair growth in new places, letting boys know that it’s a normal part of puberty. She mentions that there’s more to come in the next book, which covers topics like masturbation and ejaculation.

Overall, I’m A Boy My Changing Body is a fantastic resource for boys going through puberty. It provides age-appropriate and interesting information about the changes they’re experiencing. So, if you’re looking for a book to help your boy navigate this exciting and sometimes confusing time, I highly recommend checking out this book by Shelley Metten.

I hope this review helps!

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