Invisible Emmie by Terri Libenson

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Invisible Emmie by Terri Libenson is a graphic book for tweens that talks about the social aspects of growing up.

A book that is written for middle school or tween girls that talks about the social aspects of growing up. It tells the story of Emmie who feels invisible in her life at home and school. What I like about books like these is that it lets kids know that they aren’t alone as they grow up and try to sort out who they are and how they fit in.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 8 to 13 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Invisible Emmie by Terri Libenson from Amazon or Book Depository.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and today I want to talk about this awesome book called Invisible Emmie by Terri Libenson. It’s been super popular and selling like crazy. This book is perfect for girls who are navigating middle school or high school and trying to figure out who they are.

So, Invisible Emmie is a story about a girl who doesn’t feel confident and struggles to fit in at school. But as the story unfolds, we also get to know another girl who is super confident and has tons of friends. She seems to have it all figured out.

Emmie, the main character, shares her experiences of feeling lonely because her older siblings have moved away, and even though her parents love her, she sometimes feels like she’s in the way. She also talks about her best friend, who is completely different from her. And then something happens…

Emmie and her friend end up writing silly love letters to the boys they like. But oops! Emmie accidentally drops her letter and someone finds it. She gets teased about it, but she handles it like a champ. She stands up for herself and tells the teasing boy to shut up. And guess what? That burst of confidence helps her move on and deal with the situation.

Now, I know I might not be doing the best job of describing the book, but trust me, it’s actually really good. It’s the kind of book I would recommend to tweens who are struggling with social rules and fitting in at school. It tackles issues like lack of confidence, feeling like everyone else is better than you, and dealing with cliques.

Invisible Emmie normalizes these experiences and lets girls know that they’re not alone in their struggles. And because it’s written in a comic style, it’s a quick and easy read. Perfect for those who might not be into longer, more challenging books.

As a parent, I found some valuable lessons in this book. It’s a great conversation starter, especially if your daughter is about to start middle school. Even if she’s not having any problems, it’s important to create an open line of communication. We want our kids to feel comfortable talking to us about anything, and this book can help with that.

So, if you’re looking for a book that sparks conversations and helps your child navigate the ups and downs of school life, Invisible Emmie is a fantastic choice. It’s relatable, funny, and heartfelt. Trust me, you won’t regret giving it a read.

I hope this review helps! Cheers!

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