Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect by Jayneen Sanders will help parents to teach their young child about body boundaries and consent.

This is a lovely book that talks about consent in regards to someone touching your body. There are lots of different scenarios where children can see the different situations in which consent is applicable. Other topics are also discussed such as body safety, your support network or who to go to if you are ignored, how to play nicely and share, how to say no, managing bullies and more.

A lovely book that will help you to start having important conversations with your child about consent. Skills that they will need throughout their whole life!

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 8 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and I’m super excited to tell you about an awesome new book called Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect by Jeanine Sanders. This book is all about teaching children important lessons on body ownership, respectful relationships, emotions, choices, and recognizing bullying behaviors. Jeanine really covers a lot of ground in this book, and there’s definitely some overlap between the different topics.

Now, let me tell you, this isn’t your typical sit-down-and-read kind of book. It’s more of a visually engaging chapter book that sparks conversations and educates kids. So, fair warning, it’s a bit wordy and not something you want to rush through. But trust me, it’s worth taking the time to dive into.

The book starts off by emphasizing that your body belongs to you and that you’re in charge of it. It celebrates diversity with characters in wheelchairs, gender-neutral individuals, and people from different cultures. It’s refreshing to see a book that reflects the real world and doesn’t stick to the same old stereotypes.

Jeanine does a great job of introducing the concept of consent right from the start. She explains that everyone has personal boundaries, which are like a protective space around their bodies. Throughout the book, she includes little bubbles with extra information and activities for kids to do. Now, personally, I’m not really into those activities, but hey, different strokes for different folks, right? Some parents might find them helpful for starting conversations with their kids.

Consent is a complex topic, and Jeanine does a fantastic job of exploring its nuances. She gives examples of situations where consent is important, like when a boy wants to hug his sister. Instead of just forcing a hug on her, he should ask if she’s okay with it. It’s all about respecting each other’s boundaries and giving everyone a choice. If both parties are happy and agree, then a hug is totally fine.

The book also touches on situations where someone might not be sure about giving a hug or a kiss, like when grandma visits. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go into great detail on how to handle those specific scenarios, but hey, I might just write a blog post about it myself!

Jeanine also covers other important topics like holding hands, saying no, and when to tell an adult if something happens. She even talks about playing nicely, dealing with bullies, and understanding our own feelings. There’s a lot packed into this book, and it’s a great starting point for having conversations with your younger child.

Now, keep in mind that this book might not be the best fit for older kids. My twelve-year-old would probably find it a bit boring, but I might give it a shot with my eight-year-old. You could even break it up into smaller sections if your child’s attention span isn’t the longest.

All in all, Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect is a valuable resource for teaching kids about consent and other important topics. It’s not the only book out there on the subject, but it’s definitely a great starting point. So go ahead and grab a copy, and get ready to have some meaningful conversations with your child. I hope this review helps! Cheers!

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