Let’s Talk About S-E-X. A Guide For Kids 9 To 12 And Their Parents

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Let’s Talk About S-E-X. A Guide For Kids 9 To 12 And Their Parents by Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is a book for tweens that talks about puberty and sex.

As kids get older, they start to see picture books as being childish. This is the only ‘chapter book’ that I have found so far that talks about sex for tweens. It talks about puberty but focuses on the sexual changes that happen. It explains what sex is all about, and how your feelings and curiosity about sex may change as you grow older.

It has a section at the back for parents too!

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 9 to 12 years.

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Buy a copy of Let’s Talk About S-E-X. A Guide For Kids 9 To 12 And Their Parents by Planned Parenthood Mar Monte from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, where I talk about all things related to sex education. Today, I want to share my thoughts on a really great book for kids aged nine to twelve who are curious about sex and want something to read that isn’t just a picture book.

So, this book I’m talking about was put out by Planned Parenthood and it’s the second edition. The first edition came out way back in 1982, and it has been updated a few times since then. The edition I have is twelve years old, which made me a little hesitant at first, but I decided to give it a shot.

I couldn’t find it at my local library, so I ended up buying it. And let me tell you, I’m really glad I did! I’ve been on the lookout for a book that explains what sex is to kids aged nine to twelve, because not all of them want a picture book, you know? Some kids want more information, and this book does a great job of providing that.

Now, I have to mention that this book is a bit outdated when it comes to talking about consent. It still talks about sex in a way that doesn’t emphasize the importance of consent, which is definitely something that needs to be addressed. But hey, it’s hard to find books for this age group that cover that topic. I’m hopeful that we’ll see more books addressing consent in the future.

The book covers a lot of ground and has about 20 pages at the back that focus on the social aspects of sex and the emotional connection it can create. It also has some simple diagrams and even includes interactive questions for kids to answer. It’s a nice touch that you don’t often see in books like this.

I do wish the book was more up to date, though. It’s been twelve years since it was published, and there have been some great books that have come out since then. The book list at the back is also outdated, so keep that in mind. But don’t worry, I’ve checked out the reviews on Amazon and it seems like a lot of people still find it helpful.

So, if you’re looking for a book to talk to your nine to twelve year old about sex and they’re not into picture books, this is a fantastic option. Just keep in mind that it could use an update. I’ll definitely be giving it to my daughter to read, as she often gets bored and looks through my books. I hope this review helps you out. Cheers!

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