Listening to My Body by Gabi Garcia

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Listening to My Body : A guide to helping kids understand the connection between their sensations (what the heck are those?) and feelings so that they can get better at figuring out what they need by Gabi Garcia is a great book for helping kids to listen to their body.

This is a great book for helping kids to listen to their body ie early warnings signals. Early warning signals are the involuntary physical sensations that take place in our bodies in reaction to potentially unsafe situations. And when we teach our kids to notice them, they can then learn to listen to them and hopefully get themselves out of a potentially unsafe situation.

This is an important skill for kids to learn and is one they will use for their whole life.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 6 to 12 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Listening to My Body by Gabi Garcia from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. Today, I want to talk about an amazing book that parents have been raving about. It’s a fantastic tool to help kids understand their feelings and those inner warning signals we sometimes get in our bodies.

Picture this: you’re sitting on your bike at the top of a hill, watching everyone else zooming down with pure joy. But you’ve never done it before. How does that make you feel? Do you get butterflies in your tummy? Does your heart race and your palms get sweaty? Or maybe you just laugh it off or feel like you can’t do it. This book helps kids tune in and listen to those inner signals, so they can stay safe and make informed choices.

Think back to your own childhood and adulthood. I bet you’ve had a few close calls in life. And you know what? It’s often because you listened to what your body was telling you. Our parents didn’t always talk about this stuff with us, but as parents today, we know better. We need to encourage our children to pay attention to those inner signals and understand their feelings so they can express them.

Now, this book can be a bit pricey, especially if you’re like me and had to order it from Amazon with shipping costs. But hey, you can also get it as an ebook, which might be more affordable for you. Personally, I prefer holding a physical book, so I can show it to you in my videos.

Inside the book, you’ll find a story about a little child exploring their feelings and sensations. It starts by teaching kids that their body is their friend, always there to help. It goes on to explain different sensations and offers suggestions on what to do when feeling sad or other emotions. At the end, there’s even a list for kids to add their own sensations and feelings.

I think this book is a gem. Although my kids are older now, I wish I had it when they were younger. It’s a great way to start conversations and help kids become more aware of their bodies and emotions. Some might call it mindfulness, but it’s really about being in tune with ourselves and staying safe in all kinds of situations, from the schoolyard to teenage years and beyond.

I hope you found this helpful. Cheers!

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