My Body is Mine. Body Safety for Kids by Crystal Hardstaff

Book Review

A short overview of this book

My Body is Mine. Body Safety for Kids by Crystal Hardstaff is a must-read book for parents and caregivers who want to empower their children with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves from harm. This engaging and child-friendly book helps children understand that their body belongs to them and they have the right to make decisions about it. Through fun and educational rhymes, children will learn about the importance of body safety, respecting their own bodies and other people’s bodies, and how to identify and report any inappropriate behavior. With shocking statistics on child abuse, this book is an essential tool to teach children how to keep themselves safe and build confidence in themselves.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 3 to 6 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is the place where I help parents find awesome books and resources to make sex education easier for them. Today, I want to talk about a fantastic book called My Body is Mine: Body Safety for Kids by Crystal Hardstaff. This book is perfect for school-age children and even those little ones in preschool or kindergarten.

You know, it can be a bit tricky to find books on body safety specifically written for slightly older kids. Most of them are geared towards younger children. But fear not, because this book has got you covered! It starts off with some helpful notes to keep in mind, and then dives right into the important stuff.

The book emphasizes that kids are the bosses of their own bodies. They get to decide who can touch them and who can’t. It also teaches them to take care of their bodies, which is super important.

The book goes on to explain that everyone has different body parts. Girls have a vulva and a vagina, while boys have a penis and testicles. And guess what? We all have a bottom too! I really appreciate the inclusivity in this book, with children of different ethnicities represented. However, it’s worth noting that the language used in the book is gendered. But hey, everyone has these parts, and they might look different. That’s totally normal! But remember, nobody has the right to touch or see your private parts. They are private and special, just for you.

Now, as a sex educator, I want to mention that not all children have the same body parts. Some children may have genitals that are different due to various reasons. It could be something they were born with or something they discover later in life. It’s all part of the beautiful diversity of human bodies. So, let’s keep an open mind and embrace our differences.

The book also teaches kids what to do if someone shows them their private parts. It’s important for them to know that it’s not okay, and they have the right to say stop, no, or go away. They should always tell someone they trust about what happened, because no one should touch them without their consent.

The book also touches on the fact that sometimes kids may need help with their bodies. It’s okay to ask for help, and it’s important to talk to a trusted adult about it. They’re there to support and protect you.

At the end of the book, there’s a fun activity where kids can identify safe people in their lives. This is a common activity found in many body safety books and curriculums. It’s a great way to reinforce the message of body safety.

So, all in all, My Body is Mine: Body Safety for Kids is a wonderful book that delivers simple and important messages about body safety. It’s a must-have for any parent looking to make sex education easier and more accessible for their children. Cheers!

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