My Body is Mine by Peter Osilaja

Book Review

A short overview of this book

My Body is Mine by Peter Osilaja is a great book for preparing kids for staying safe during sleepovers.

Many parents worry about their child’s safety at sleepovers, so books like this can help with starting conversations about staying safe from inappropriate sexual touch. It takes a gentle approach and won’t scare children.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 5 to 8 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Welcome to Sex Ed Rescue, the YouTube channel where I share book reviews and resources to help you have important conversations with your kids about love, sex, relationships, and staying safe. Today, I want to talk about a book called My Body is Mine by Peter Osilaja. It’s been around for a while, but it’s still a great resource for teaching kids about staying safe during sleepovers.

Before we dive in, I just want to mention that this book has some helpful notes for parents and caregivers, so it’s definitely worth a read. Now, let’s get into the story. It’s about a kid who gets invited to a sleepover with some friends. His parents have decided he’s old enough to go, so they’re having a conversation about how to stay safe.

The dad starts off by explaining that our bodies are special both inside and out. He talks about how our feelings can help us recognize when something isn’t right. If your child ever feels afraid, confused, angry, or embarrassed, it’s important for them to tell you or another trusted adult right away. Then they discuss the different parts of the body and how they all serve a purpose.

Next, they talk about safe and unsafe situations and the importance of listening to your feelings. They explain that there are certain private parts of the body that no one should touch without permission. And if someone does touch them, the child should know what to do. In the story, the kid goes to the sleepover, has a blast, but when someone starts tickling him and he feels uncomfortable, he speaks up and says Stop. A parent steps in, reassures him, and reminds everyone about the importance of respecting boundaries.

The book also touches on internet safety. At the sleepover, they ask if they can go online, and the child’s mom takes the opportunity to talk about being safe on the internet. She explains that there are adults who might try to trick children into sharing personal information or seeing inappropriate things. It’s a good chance for parents to add their own advice about online safety.

Sleepovers can be a lot of fun, but I know many parents worry about keeping their kids safe during these events. It’s important to be aware that, nowadays, children may be exposed to sexual content at a young age and may act out what they see with other kids. So, when it comes to sleepovers, the focus is more on keeping kids safe from other children rather than just adults.

Overall, My Body is Mine is a helpful book for starting conversations about staying safe during sleepovers. If you’re a parent looking for guidance on this topic, I also have a free Facebook group where you can connect with other parents and get support. I hope this review has been helpful. Cheers!

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