My Pop-Up Body Book by Jennie Maizels and William Petty

Book Review

A short overview of this book

My Pop-Up Body Book by Jennie Maizels and William Petty is a fantastic little book that entertains and educates kids about how their body works.

And it actually includes reproduction ie how a person begins ie by the egg and sperm joining together. Sexual intercourse is NOT mentioned, as it just says an egg from mum and a sperm from dad. 

I am a huge fan of pop-ups books and this book has lots of fun things to discover and explore. It is filled with lots of interesting facts and will keep your child amused for hours!

You can learn more in this article, about how to talk to your child about bodies

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 7 to 12 years.

Buy this book

✅ Buy a copy of My Pop-Up Body Book from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. Sex Ed Rescue is all about helping parents find a better way to talk to their kids about love, sex, relationships, puberty, and all that good stuff. I’m super excited to share something awesome I found recently – a pop-up book about bodies that also covers reproduction.

So, this book is seriously fantastic. The cover has a cool wheel that you can turn to see different layers of the body. Now, I have to admit, the book I got is a vintage one with a couple of broken pages, but hey, I love buying second-hand books whenever I can.

The first page is all about the baby. It shows you the nine months of pregnancy and how the baby grows inside. It’s really cool to see the different sizes as the baby gets bigger and bigger. There’s even a little ultrasound picture!

Then, it dives into how babies are made. It explains that you started as a tiny egg from Mommy and an even tinier sperm from Daddy. That lucky sperm had to win the great sperm race, beating hundreds of millions of other sperm. It’s pretty amazing to think that if a different sperm had come first, you’d be a completely different person!

As you keep flipping through the book, it talks about how you grow up and get bigger. It explains that you have parts of both Mom and Dad, and it even touches on DNA.

The book is filled with awesome pop-up features. You can slide out different parts, like the teeth and the lungs. It’s like a little adventure exploring all the different parts of the body.

Now, I have to mention that this book doesn’t have illustrations of the reproductive organs, but it does explain how babies begin. It’s a great starting point for conversations about reproduction.

And the best part? I got this fun book for less than $10, including shipping! My ten-year-old son had a blast checking it out, so it’s definitely engaging for kids.

I hope this review helps you decide to grab a copy of this amazing book. I’m a huge fan of pop-up books, so I might be a bit biased, but seriously, it’s so cool! Cheers!

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