My Private Parts are Private by Robert D. Edelman

Book Review

A short overview of this book

My Private Parts are Private by Robert D. Edelman is a children’s book that will help parents to start talking about safe and unsafe touch and how to respond if it happens.

This book that will help parents to start talking about safe touching. Ie how to protect their bodies, self-respect and how to assertively say β€˜Stop’ to someone who is touching them inappropriately. It also sensitively introduces sexual abuse, and that it is okay to tell, it is never their fault and it is good to talk about your feelings.

A great book that will help you to start having conversations about a difficult topic.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 6 to 10 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, where we discuss all things related to sex education. Today, I want to talk about a fantastic book I came across that addresses an important topic in a safe and gentle way. It’s called Keeping Our Private Parts Safe by Robert Edelman.

I stumbled upon this book when the author reached out to me after seeing my list of books about private parts. I borrowed it from my local library and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were several copies available. That’s always a good sign, right?

Now, what’s interesting about this book is that it’s designed a bit differently. Instead of the usual vertical spine, it runs horizontally. I read it with my nine-year-old son, and he really enjoyed it. The book engages kids with activities like spot-the-thing, which my son still finds fun at his age.

The story introduces a girl named Dakota and shows how she’s just like any other child. It emphasizes that some parts of our bodies are private and should only be seen or touched by special people we trust, like our parents or grandparents. It’s great because it prompts kids to think about who they trust and why.

I found the book’s layout to be very user-friendly. It’s easy for kids to follow along, and it even includes little questions to spark conversations. For example, it asks kids to identify safe places to be touched. It’s a great way to start a discussion while reading together.

The book also explains that it’s okay to give someone a high five, but it’s not okay for them to touch or look at our private parts. It sets clear rules and emphasizes the importance of telling someone we trust if anyone ever tries to touch our private parts. It even touches on the fact that other kids may have experienced something similar, which can be reassuring for children who have gone through it themselves.

The book encourages open communication and teaches children that talking to someone about their feelings can make them feel better. It’s a gentle approach that doesn’t shy away from addressing the issue directly.

Overall, I think this book is a gem. It’s interactive, engaging, and far from boring. It tackles an important topic in a way that kids can understand and relate to. I appreciate that it doesn’t beat around the bush but gets straight to the point. Children are concrete thinkers, so it’s crucial to be clear and straightforward with them.

Keeping Our Private Parts Safe is definitely going on my list of recommended books to discuss private parts with kids. Plus, it’s readily available, which is always a bonus.

I hope you find this review helpful. Have a fantastic day!


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