Nerdy Bird Tweets by Aaron Reynolds

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Nerdy Bird Tweets by Aaron Reynolds is a great book for starting important conversations with children about social media, online friends, being a good friend and online behaviour.

As a parent, we need to start having conversations with our kids about the online world sooner rather than later. Books like this help parents to prepare their child for what they will encounter online. This book provides an opportunity to start talking about the lure of games and social media, and how they have their good points, as well as their bad points.

There are many possible conversations inside this book. You can ask your child how the game works so that you can work out if there are any potential risks. A great tip from a friend of mine, Cory Peppler from Parenting Digital,

is to actually play the game with your child. So try sitting down with them and say, β€˜Hey, how do you play this game?’, and explore what else they can do with it eg how do I make a friend, can I send them secret messages etc

You can chat about friendships. What makes a good friend? Are online friends, good friends? What does it mean when you ave 500 friends?

You can chat about how to behave responsibly and safely online. Work out what your family rules are for being online.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 10 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, and today I want to talk to you about a book that can help you start those important conversations with your kids about online safety and using social media responsibly.

So, Sex Ed Rescue is all about discussing puberty, growing up, and everything related to sexuality. And part of what I do is review books. Recently, I came across some blog posts that recommended books for talking to kids about online safety, the internet, and social media. Now, these topics aren’t exactly sex education, but they do relate to sexuality because kids can come across inappropriate content or be asked to share personal photos online.

That’s where this book comes in. It’s called Nerdy Bird Tweets by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Matt Davies. It’s a children’s book filled with colorful pictures. Now, normally I sit the other way around, but the camera lines up funny, so bear with me!

This book is great to read to younger children because every family has different rules about when to give their child a phone. Some kids have phones from a young age, while others wait until they start high school or even later. Some parents give their kids phones with limited features, while others allow internet access. Times have changed, and now kids even watch Netflix during lunch breaks!

That’s why books like this are important. They help you have conversations about online safety before handing over that device to your child. It’s crucial to talk about these things while your kids still trust and believe in what you say. Trust me, as they get older, they start developing attitudes (I’ve experienced it with my own daughter!).

This book focuses on being online and finding a balance. As adults, we struggle with constantly checking our phones when we hear a notification. Our kids are watching and learning from us. It’s hard not to look when you know something is waiting for you. That’s why books like this are so valuable. They convey important messages to children.

Nerdy Bird Tweets tells the story of two bird friends who love playing video games together. But then they discover a new game that involves collecting online friends, sending messages, and sharing pictures. This is a perfect opportunity to start a conversation with your child. Ask them about the games they play and if they have friends they don’t know in real life. Discuss the importance of being cautious and not trusting strangers online.

The book also touches on the consequences of posting pictures without considering others’ feelings. It shows how online interactions can hurt friendships. It’s a great chance to talk about cyberbullying and how people can be mean when they’re anonymous. These are important lessons for kids to learn.

In the end, the book emphasizes the value of face-to-face friendships over online connections. It’s a reminder that while online interactions can be fun, nothing beats spending time with real friends. The book encourages being respectful online as well.

So, if you’re looking for a way to broach the topic of social media and online safety with your kids, Nerdy Bird Tweets is a fantastic choice. You can read it together at bedtime or during a quiet moment. And remember, you can always revisit the book later to spark more conversations.

I hope this review helps you in navigating these important discussions with your children. If you have any questions or need more book recommendations, feel free to reach out. Happy reading and stay safe online!

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