Positive Sexuality: A Kid’s Inclusive Guide to Being Body Aware by Sara Perry

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Positive Sexuality: A Kid’s Inclusive Guide to Being Body Aware by Sara Perry has been written to provide an inclusive resource for parents to use with children who can’t find a book that applies to them.  

So it is body positive and inclusive of people of all gender, biological sex and sexual attraction.​

So what’s inside this book? You’ll find information about gender, biological sex, sexual attraction, consent, genitals (penises and vulvas), reproductive organs (inside), conception, erections, masturbation, orgasm, sexual activity, sexual intercourse, sexual touch and pleasure, puberty, periods and body safety.

I would not use this as your only (or even first) sex education book. It is definitely not a book that you would let your child read on their own without discussion. You would definitely want to discuss the values and messages in the book and how the information applies to your own values, as they can easily be misconstrued.

It could be a useful guide for parents who are struggling to find ways to talk about how sex can be pleasurable.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 11 to 13 years.

Buy this book

Buy a copy of  ​Positive Sexuality: A Kid’s Inclusive Guide to Being Body Aware by Sara Perry from Amazon​.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is my YouTube channel where I review a bunch of books about love, sex, relationships, and growing up. It’s also my website, where you can find more info about this book and its recommended age range. On the website, you’ll also find loads of blog posts, resources, and ideas to help you have open and honest conversations with your kids.

Now, let’s talk about this book. It’s all about taking a positive and pleasure-based approach to sexuality. What does that mean? Well, it means that it acknowledges that sex isn’t just about making babies. It’s about pleasure and desire too. The book also covers important topics like consent and gender diversity, which is pretty awesome.

I have to mention that this book is self-published, so you might come across a few typos or sentences that don’t flow smoothly when reading out loud. But hey, even books published by big houses have mistakes sometimes, right? Just keep in mind that it’s best to read this book together with your kids, especially if they’re on the younger side. Reading it out loud might not be the smoothest experience, but that’s okay.

I’m not entirely sure what age group this book is targeting, but I’d say it’s more suitable for kids who are starting to become curious about sex and going through puberty. It explains how our bodies change during this time and why we start thinking about sex more. It’s all about our basic caveman instincts for reproduction, you know?

Now, I wouldn’t rely solely on this book for all the information you need. It covers some important stuff, but not everything. That’s okay though, because no book can cover absolutely everything. Just be aware that sometimes the politically correct language used in the book can be a bit confusing. But overall, the illustrations are great, and it covers topics like pregnancy, contraceptive choices, consent, and sexual feelings.

I couldn’t find much information about the author or their website, but there are other books out there that take a positive and pleasure-based approach to sexuality. So, don’t worry, this book isn’t the only option. There are plenty of resources available.

I hope this review was helpful to you. Take a look at the book yourself and see what you think. And remember, it’s all about having open and honest conversations with your kids. Cheers!

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