Puberty Girl by Shushan Movsessian

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Puberty Girl by Shushan Movsessian is a highly detailed book about puberty for girls that is filled with pictures and great information.

This book is a little different to a lot of the other puberty books that are out there. It is more like a magazine than a book, with lots of images, the use of colour everywhere, and the breaking up of the content into small sections. It provides lots of information and shares stories from other girls and women of puberty, menstruation and sexuality. It is an older book (2005) but the content is still very relevant.

Sexual intercourse is NOT talked about in this book.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 12+ years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak, your friendly Sex Educator, and today I want to talk about a book called Puberty Girl by Shushan Movsessian. Now, Shushan is based in Eastern Australia and she runs workshops for girls going through puberty. Let’s dive in and see what this book is all about!

First things first, Puberty Girl was published back in 2004, so it might not have the latest updates. But don’t worry, the information it covers hasn’t really changed much. It focuses mainly on periods and related topics, and it doesn’t talk about sex at all. If you’re looking for a book for boys, there’s another one called Puberty Boy by a different author.

The book starts off with chapters like Welcome to Puberty, Why a Book on Puberty, and Changes that are happening. There’s also a chapter about something called the Big M, which might make you think of masturbation, but in this case, it’s actually referring to menstruation. The book also talks about the stuff you’ll need for your periods, like pads and tampons, and gives tips on how to stay healthy. It even touches on the emotions you might experience during this time of change.

Now, when you flip through the pages, you’ll notice that it looks a lot like a magazine. It’s got colorful photos, drawings, and those little boxes with helpful tips. It’s really visually appealing!

You can definitely give this book to your child to read. I think my ten-year-old daughter would love it! Just keep in mind that some words might need a bit of explaining. For example, terms like Toxic Shock Syndrome or Diarrhea might be a bit tricky for them. But hey, that’s where you come in as a parent or guardian, right?

Overall, Movsessian strikes a great balance between text and visuals in this book. It doesn’t go into too much detail about sex, but it does touch on homosexuality towards the end. This makes it super child-friendly and a great resource for focusing on puberty.

All in all, Puberty Girl is a fantastic book. It’s easy to read, visually appealing, and provides accurate information on the subject. So go ahead and give it a go!

I hope this review was helpful. Cheers!

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