Sex & Lovers: A Practical Guide by Ann-Marlene Henning & Tina Bremer-Olszewski

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Sex & Lovers: A Practical Guide by Ann-Marlene Henning & Tina Bremer-Olszewski provides teens with honest and realistic information and photographs about what sex is all about.

This book provides teenagers who are curious about sex, with an alternative to turning to the internet (and pornography) for information about sex. It provides them with everything they would possibly want to know about masturbation, bodies and sex. It is the sort of book that I wish I’d had as a curious teen. It is explicit, does include sexual photos (my copy arrived sealed in a plastic bag) but it is written sensitively and not in a bragging way.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 15 to 18 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! So, I’ve got this awesome book to tell you about called Sex and Lovers: A Practical Guide. It’s written by Anne-Marlene Henning and Tina Bremer-Olszewski, but let’s not worry too much about the authors for now.

Now, this book was originally in German, but it got translated into English in 2014. Funny story, when my partner received it, it was wrapped in plastic and he opened it up at work, thinking it was one of the kids’ books for Christmas. His colleagues were super curious because they thought it was a kids’ book too. But when he revealed what it actually was, they all scattered pretty quickly!

Alright, let’s get to the point. Sex and Love is a practical guide all about, you guessed it, sex! It’s got lots of text and pictures covering a wide range of topics. Think of it as an alternative to pornography. We all remember being curious about sex when we were younger, right? Wondering what it’s all about, how to do it, and if we’ll do it right. But sometimes, we tend to focus more on the physical act rather than the emotional connection that comes with it.

Now, why do young people turn to pornography? Well, it’s because they’re curious. They want to know what to expect so that when they do have sex with a partner, they feel a bit more in control and less inexperienced. This book can be a great resource for teenagers, starting from around 14 or 15 years old. It provides really good information about what real sex is like, including details about oral sex techniques and other facts. It also emphasizes that pornography isn’t real, while also touching on the importance of intimacy.

The book is just under 300 pages and it’s not the cheapest option out there, mainly because of the color photos inside and its hardback format. But trust me, it’s totally worth having on your bookshelf. Your teenager might even pick it up and find it helpful. It’s a great alternative to explicit pornography, though I should mention that some of the pictures might still be a bit arousing. However, they’re not overly explicit or shocking.

So, overall, I’m really glad I bought this book. I’m a book lover myself, and I have no issues with letting my daughter and son read it when they reach that age. It’s a valuable resource that provides lots of useful information. Okay, let’s take a look at one of the pages… Ah, here we go. See, it’s got pictures like that.

Anyway, it’s definitely worth considering. I hope this review helps you out. Cheers!

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