Poppy Pretzel: Passage into Puberty by Debi Slinger

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Poppy Pretzel: Passage into Puberty by Debi Slinger prepares girls for puberty by telling the story of what puberty is like for a girl as she goes through it.

Most books about puberty are nonfiction (full of facts) instead of fiction which tells a story. So it is very unusual to find a book that talks about puberty as a story but also teaches. This story does that, with the story of a girl as her first period arrives. The author touches on many of the fears that girls may have eg what to do if you get it at school, will it hurt, the shame etc.

A good book to look at if your tween finds fact-filled books a bit of a bore.

Sexual intercourse is NOT talked about in this book.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 11 to 13 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Poppy Pretzel: Passage into Puberty by Debi Slinger from Amazon​.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! I’m Cath Hak from Sex Ed Rescue, your go-to channel for all things puberty and sex education. Today, I want to talk about an awesome book that’s perfect for tweens going through puberty. It’s called Poppy Pretzel Passage Into Puberty by Debi Slinger, an Australian author. Now, let me tell you, finding books that tell the story of puberty can be a bit tricky. Most of them are just filled with facts and information. But hey, who doesn’t love a good story, right?

Imagine sitting around with your friends or family, sharing stories and passing on knowledge. That’s how people used to learn before TV and radio took over. Stories have a way of sticking with us, and that’s why I believe storytelling is a fantastic way to learn about something as important as puberty. For some girls, going through puberty can be scary because it’s all so unknown. It’s like being told you’re having an operation without knowing what it’s for or what it’ll feel like. Will they knock you out or just cut you open? And what happens afterwards? Will you still be the same person? It’s totally understandable to feel that fear of the unknown.

But here’s the thing: research shows that the more we prepare ourselves for change, the better we can handle it. And that’s where books like Poppy Pretzel Passage Into Puberty come in. This book tells the story of Poppy, a happy twelve-year-old who loves playing netball. One day, she gets her period, and the story unfolds from there.

Now, I have to mention that there are a few things in this book that I, as a sex educator, might do differently. They come up with some slang terms for periods within their group of friends, which isn’t really my style. But hey, this book is meant for girls to read, and it’s packed with valuable information. It talks about periods, how to manage them, and even addresses the shyness that can come with talking about it. What I love most is that the author, Debi, addresses many of the fears that girls often share with me. It’s comforting to know that she understands what they’re going through.

As a parent, I would be more than happy for my daughter to read this book. It gives her a relatable story and lets her know that she’s not alone in her worries about puberty. It normalizes the experience and reminds her that there are other girls out there going through the same thing. The book also focuses on practical tips, like having a period kit in your school bag, so you’re prepared if it happens at school. And it emphasizes the importance of having a trusted adult to talk to, in case you’re not comfortable discussing certain things with your mom.

All in all, Poppy Pretzel Passage Into Puberty is a fantastic book. It’s a great little story that explains what puberty is all about. I hope this review helps you out!

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