Some Girls by Nelly Thomas

Book Review

A short overview of this book

Some Girls by Nelly Thomas is a cute little book that talks about how girls can do anything.

It’s a book that you can use to start conversations with your child about the fact that girls can do anything. A good book to read with all children, regardless of their gender.

There is also a boy version of this book.

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 4 to 8 years.

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✅ Buy a copy of Some Girls by Nelly Thomas from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! Let’s chat about this awesome book that came out recently. I think it was in January 2017, right around Christmas time. Oh wait, it’s 2019 now! My bad, sorry for the delay. Anyway, the book is called Some Girls All Girls Can Be Whatever They Want by Nelly Thomas, an Australian comedian.

I actually discovered Nelly Thomas when I attended a women’s health conference where she was one of the keynote speakers. She has this amazing ability to talk about sensitive topics like sex with a great sense of humor. Now, I don’t think she has a background in sexual health, but she’s a comedian who’s been talking about sex. Some STI clinics have even picked her up to make conversations about sex more approachable. Pretty cool, right?

At the back of the book, Nelly mentions that there’s a book for boys in the works too. You see, whenever I share a book like this on social media, I get a lot of moms of boys asking where the book for their boys is. And I totally agree! I have a boy and a girl, and I love reading books like this to both of them. Have you heard of Rebel Girls Guidebook? It’s been a bestseller for over a year now, and it’s another great one to check out.

So, let’s dive into this lovely little book. It’s all about celebrating the fact that girls can be different. Some girls look one way, and some look another way. It’s all about diversity, with different skin tones and even a girl in a wheelchair. Girls can wear whatever they want, whether it’s shorts, skirts, or shirts. And hey, hair can be all different too, just like Rapunzel!

Girls can be good at all sorts of things. Some are great with cars and bikes, while others excel in art, puzzles, or math. And guess what? Some are really good with dolls and cats too. The book even includes culturally diverse representations, like the Aboriginal flag. It’s all about showing that girls can like anything and be whoever they want to be.

Girls can be nice, they can be bad, they can be gross, and they can be mad. They can be all those things at the same time. And you know what? All girls are unique, just like all kids are. Some people say all boys are the same, but that’s not true. Kids can be whoever they want to be, regardless of stereotypes.

I know there’s been some fear on social media about books like this influencing kids in a certain way. But let me tell you, it’s not that simple. Reading a book won’t suddenly make your son want to wear a dress or change his gender. Kids are smart and they have their own interests and preferences. So don’t worry, you’re not planting any seeds by reading books like this.

Remember, I studied chemistry in school, but I’m not a chemist. I studied history, but I’m not a historian. We all pick up what we’re interested in and what resonates with us. So, let’s keep our common sense when it comes to these things, especially when discussing them with our kids.

This book is a fantastic tool for talking about diversity with girls, and I can’t wait to see the one for boys too. Cheers, and I hope this helps!

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