The Girl’s Body Book by Kelli Dunham

Book Review

A short overview of this book

The Girl’s Body Book by Kelli Dunham is a book for tween girls that talks about puberty and growing up.

This book looks at the physical, emotional and social changes associated with puberty. It would be a good first puberty book for tweens, and focuses just on puberty ie sex is not talked about.


Sexual intercourse is NOT talked about in this book.

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Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 10 to 12 years.

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Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there! So, I’ve got these two awesome books to recommend to you: The Girls Body Book and The Boys Body Book by Kelli Dunham. They’re really great resources that cover everything about puberty. And I mean everything – physical changes, social and emotional aspects, you name it! Each book is about 100 pages long, but don’t worry, they’re not too heavy on the sex stuff.

In terms of sex, they touch on it briefly. They explain that the uterus is where a baby can grow and talk about sperm and how it combines with an egg. It’s a good introduction to the topic without going too deep. These books are perfect if you want an all-in-one resource that covers more than just puberty. Plus, the layout is fantastic! They have cool diagrams and visuals, so it’s not overwhelming with words.

Now, I have to be honest, these books aren’t the kind you can read in one sitting. Well, at least I couldn’t, especially with my kids. I prefer reading them out loud with my kids because it gives us a chance to go through them together and have open discussions. They’re great for that!

The Boys book has a very similar layout to The Girls book. They’re almost identical, but they kept them separate. However, one thing I personally don’t like is that they don’t talk about what happens with the other gender. I think it’s important for boys to know about girls getting periods so they can understand what it’s all about and be more sensitive. It would be great if they included that information. Boys need to learn to be compassionate and not make fun of girls who may have a period accident. It’s those little things that can really affect girls.

So, these books cover a lot of ground. They explain the changes, why they happen, how to deal with them, and even touch on feelings, friendships, and getting along with parents. They also provide links to American websites where kids can find more information, which is super helpful. Oh, and there’s an index at the back too, which is handy for parents.

Overall, both books are fantastic resources. They cover the broader aspects of puberty without diving into the trickier teenage issues right away. They’re a great starting point for conversations with your kids. I hope this review helps you out. Cheers!

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