The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up by Terri Couwenhoven

Book Review

A short overview of this book

The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up by Terri Couwenhoven is a lovely book for autistic boys about puberty and growing up. What I like about this book, is that it also explains romantic and sexual feelings as well.

Sexual intercourse is NOT discussed in this book. They do talk about the sperm and egg joining, just not how they get together.

There is also a version of this book for girls – Girls’ Guide to Growing Up: Choices & Changes in the Tween Years. You can find a copy of it at Amazon.

This is what the author has to say about this book:

Adolescence is a difficult stage for all boys. Even more so for boys who experience intellectual and developmental disabilities. This book is designed for pre-adolescent males with intellectual or developmental disabilities who are experiencing the physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty. The author uses concrete language, illustrations, and plain language designed to improve comprehension for those who struggle with traditional resources. Readers are able to take in complex topics about their growth and development more independently, which leads to healthier choices during this life stage.

The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up helps the reader understand what body changes to expect and how to handle them. Other topics include how to behave in different social settings, the importance of knowing what is public behavior and what is private behavior, how to take care of your body and keep it clean, and understanding sexual feelings and how to handle them.

The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up is a great book for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals. Educators can use the book to support human growth and development units. Parents can use the book to initiate what can be a difficult discussion about growing up. Healthcare providers can use the book to provide patient and family education.

You can learn more on this page, about how to talk to kids about sex education

Ideal Age

Ideal for children aged 9 to 16 years.

Buy this book

✅ Buy a copy of The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up by Terri Couwenhoven from Amazon.

Video Transcription

A transcription in case you are more of a reader than a listener

Hey there!

I’m Cath Hak, and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. This is where I help parents find an easier way to tackle sex education with their kids. Today, I want to review a book called The Boys Guide to Growing Up: Choices and Changes During Puberty by Terri Couwenhoven. It’s an American book that you can find on Amazon. They use a printing method called print-on-demand, which means the books are printed and mailed directly to you. Just a heads up, sometimes the quality of the printing can be a little off, but don’t worry, it’s not the author’s fault. So, if you notice any issues, don’t leave a negative review for the author on Amazon. You can always reach out to Amazon for a replacement, but I’m personally okay with a few imperfections.

Now, let’s dive into the book itself. The Boys Guide to Growing Up is a simple and straightforward book designed for children with intellectual disabilities. However, it’s also recommended for kids with autism because of its clear and easy-to-understand language. This book covers both puberty and body safety, which is important because as kids grow older, certain behaviors that were once considered cute or harmless can become inappropriate. The book helps prepare children for puberty while also reminding them of the rules.

It starts by explaining what puberty is in a way that’s age-appropriate and easy to grasp. The language used in books like this is more direct and factual, without using confusing euphemisms. The book covers various changes during puberty, including sexual changes, body odor, voice changes, and emotional shifts. It even touches on topics like dating and having feelings for someone, while also addressing the issue of exploitation.

There’s a section dedicated to understanding and taking care of erections, including tips on how to hide them when they happen. The book also discusses wet dreams and ejaculation. It emphasizes the importance of personal safety and sets clear rules for both self-care and appropriate behavior towards others. It’s crucial to have these conversations, especially for children with disabilities, as they may be at a higher risk of experiencing sexual abuse or inappropriate touch.

The book also covers the concept of public and private spaces, and it even includes a fun little quiz at the end. The final words of the book normalize the fact that everyone goes through these changes and that it’s a natural part of growing up.

Overall, The Boys Guide to Growing Up is a great resource. I do want to mention that the version I have is from 2012, and it seems like the publisher is no longer around. However, Terri Couwenhoven is now self-publishing her books, and an updated version of the girls’ guide is on its way. Once I get my hands on it, I’ll be sure to review it and add it to the list of recommended books.

I hope this review has been helpful and reassuring. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Remember, you’re doing a fantastic job as a parent, and books like these can make the journey a little easier.

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